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翻译硕士双语新闻:俄国称允许专家进入叙利亚战场俄罗斯称将允许国际专家于周三进入叙利亚疑似化学武器袭击现场。英国和美国指控俄罗斯和叙利亚试图掩饰事实,并阻碍调查人员采集任何与杜马镇袭击相关的信息。国际化学武器监察机构称,由于所谓的“安全问题”,叙利亚当局拒绝外界进入袭击现场。英国驻禁止化学武器组织的常驻代表是彼得威尔森。明确来讲,禁止化学武器组织总干事表示,联合国安全部门已撤离了前往杜马镇的调查人员。但他也很清楚,叙利亚政府和俄罗斯无法保证他们的安全。现在我们必须保证调查人员要用尽一切方法,尽早开展他们的工作并实施调查。我们没有阻止他们进入杜马的理由。法国总统表示剥夺叙利亚总统巴沙尔阿萨德法国荣誉军团勋章的进程已准备就绪。2000 年,阿萨德赢得选举并从父亲手中接任总统一职,他是这次选举的唯一候选人。 一年后时任法国总统雅克希拉克授予了阿萨德该勋章。但现任法国总统埃马纽埃尔马克龙将其列为罪犯。英美称俄罗斯入侵互联网数据流量网络,威胁西方社会安保与经济福利。数百万网络设备成为其目标。戈登科雷拉报道。英美官方警告称,俄罗斯入侵网络流量传输基础设施,以攻击大量组织机构。两国官方称,俄罗斯入侵这些路由器和交换机是为了支持间谍行动以及窃取商业机密。一名白宫官员警告称,这种入侵可能会被用于实施毁灭性攻击,这意味着俄罗斯可以关闭电网等系统。英国官员称,过去至少一年的时间里,他们一直都在监视该行动,现在他们有充足的把握是俄罗斯开展了该行动。Russia says international experts will be allowed to the site of a suspected chemical attack in Syria on Wednesday. Britain and the United States have accused Moscow and Syria of trying to conceal the facts and prevent the inspectors gathering any information on the Douma attack. The International Chemical Weapons watchdog said the Syrian authority has not allowed access because of what they called “security issues“. Britains Permanent Representative to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is Peter Wilson.To be very clear, the Director-General of the OPCW said that the UN department for security had cleared the inspectors to go to Douma. But he was also very clear that the Syrian regime and the Russians could not guarantee their security. Now we are obviously keen to make sure that the inspectors have every means that they can to carry out their job and carry out their investigation as soon as possible. We see no reason why they should not be able to get to Douma.The French presidency says its beginning the process of stripping the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of the Legion dhonneur. It was awarded to him by President Jacques Chirac in 2001, a year after he succeeded his father by winning an election in which he was the only candidate. But Mr. Assad has been branded a criminal by President Emmanuel Macron.Britain and the United States say Russia has hacked into internet traffic networks in a way that threatens the safety, security and economic well-being of the West. Millions of devices have been targeted. Gordon Corera reports.British and American officials are warning that Russia has targeted a wide range of organisations by hacking into the infrastructure which moves traffic around the internet. Hacking into these routers and switches is being used to support espionage and steal commercial secrets, they say. A White House official warned that this kind of access could potentially be used to carry out destructive attacks that might mean switching off systems such as an electricity grid. British officials say they have been monitoring the activity for at least a year and now have a high degree of confidence in attributing the actions to the Russian state.
