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翻译硕士双语新闻:美英法或将突袭叙利亚Hello, Im Gareth Barlow. President Trump is expected to make a statement shortly on Syria. US media reports suggest hell announce that hes approved airstrikes in response to a suspected chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta. The State Department says it has proved that the Syrian government was behind the attack and Russia did nothing to stop it. The BBCs Barbara Plett Usher was at the State Department briefing. She said the assessment of all three governments, the US, Britain and France are that the Syrian regime was behind it. And it is quite a strong statement given that when the Defense Secretary was speaking. He was saying I believe a chemical attack was carried out, but we dont have the actual evidence no matter what you saw. You know, everything you see on social media. We dont actually have the evidence, and he didnt single out the syrian government officially at that point either. So I think its a stronger statement than weve seen before.As the United States, France and Britain work on a likely military response,International Chemical Weapons inspectors are due in Syria to begin investigating the incident. Britain denies a Russian claim that its staged the attack. Steve Rosenberg is in Moscow. The phrase war of words is something we hear very often to describe relations between Russia and the West, but if you listen to the words Russia has been using today, you can see just how wide the gulf is now between Moscow and the West. The words of Russias UN ambassador today claiming that Americas irresponsible behavior was unworthy of a permanent member of the Security Council. The words of the Russian Defense Ministry claiming that the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria was a provocation by Britain.Federal prosecutors in New York have disclosed the President Trumps lawyer Michael Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months. Lawyers for both Mr. Trump and Mr. Cohen went to court to stop documents seized at the lawyers home and office being made public as part of the investigation into Russian meddling. From New York, Nada Tawfik reports. Investigators are looking into whether Michael Cohen committed tax fraud, money laundering and other crimes, which they say has nothing to do with his work as an attorney, but with his own personal business dealings that could include his work for President Trump. The FBI seized documents and evidence from Michael Cohens home, office and hotel in New York on Monday, but they have also searched his safety deposit box, two of his cell phones and his email accounts.大家好,我是盖利夫巴洛。特朗普总统即将对叙利亚问题发表声明。美国媒体报道称,叙利亚古塔东部发生疑似化学武器袭击,特朗普或将批准空袭行动。美国国务院表示已证实叙利亚政府发动了此次袭击,并且俄罗斯没有设法阻止,以下是 BBC通讯员芭芭拉普莱特阿舍在国务院新闻发布会上发来的报道。她表示称美英法三国政府都认为叙利亚政府与本次袭击有关,通过国防部的发言我们可以看出,此次声明可以说十分强硬。他表示化学武器袭击确实发生了,但是无论你看到了什么,我们并没有实际的证据,你在社交媒体上看到的东西,我们都没有实际的证据,而且他也没有正式指出叙利亚与此有关,所以我认为此次声明非常强硬。随着美国,法国和英国拟定军事反击,国际化武组织监察员将前往叙利亚对此事件展开调查。俄罗斯称此次袭击是安排好的,英国对此给予否认,以下是史蒂夫罗森博格在莫斯科的报道。在俄罗斯和西方国家关系上,我们听到最多的词就是唇枪舌战,但是如果你听到俄罗斯今天的言论,你就知道俄罗斯与西方国家之间的隔阂有多大了。俄罗斯驻联合国大使今天称美国不负责任的行为,已经不适合担任联合国常任理事国了。俄罗斯国防部称叙利亚的化学武器袭击是英国对俄罗斯的挑衅。纽约联邦检察官表示已经对特朗普的律师迈克尔科恩进行了数月的刑事调查。特朗普和科恩的律师前往法庭阻止公布在科恩家里和办公室找到的文件,这些文件是调查俄罗斯干涉大选的一部分,以下是娜达托尔菲在纽约的报道。调查人员正在调查迈克尔科恩是否犯了骗税,洗钱和其他的罪名,他们称这些问题与他本身的职业没有关系,但是鉴于他的个人业务,这些罪名可能与他为特朗普做的工作有关。联邦调查局周一在科恩的家里,办公室和纽约的宾馆里获取了这些文件,他们还搜查了他的保险箱,两部手机以及电子邮箱。
