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翻译硕士双语时事资料:联合国前任秘书长安南去世Kofi Annan, one of the worlds most celebrated diplomats and a charismatic symbol of the United Nations who rose through its ranks to become the first black African secretary-general, has died. He was 80.科菲.安南去世,享年 80岁,他是世界上最著名的外交官之一,也是联合国魅力的象征。His foundation announced his death in Switzerland on Saturday in a tweet, saying he died after a short unspecified illness.他的基金会周六在推特上宣布了他的死讯,称他死于一种不明疾病。Kofi Atta Annan was born April 8, 1938, into an elite family in Kumasi, Ghana, the son of a provincial governor and grandson of two tribal chiefs.科菲.阿塔.安南于 1938年 4月 8日出生在加纳库马西的一个精英家庭,他的父亲是一位省长,同时也是两位部落首领的孙子。Annan spent virtually his entire career as an administrator in the United Nations. His aristocratic style, cool-tempered elegance and political savvy helped guide his ascent to become its seventh secretary-general, and the first hired from within. He served two terms, from Jan. 1, 1997, to Dec. 31, 2006, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with the U.N. in 2001.安南几乎整个职业生涯都在联合国担任行政官员。他的贵族风格、冷静优雅的气质和政治头脑助他晋升为联合国第七任秘书长,也是第一位从内部聘用的秘书长。从 1997年 1月 1日到 2006年 12月 31日,他连任两届秘书长职位,并于 2001年与联合国共同获得诺贝尔和平奖。During his tenure, Annan presided over some of the worst failures and scandals at the world body during one of its most turbulent periods since its founding in 1945. Challenges from the outset forced him to spend much of his time struggling to restore the U.N.s tarnished reputation.安南在任期间,联合国经历了自 1945年成立以来最动荡的时期之一,期间经历了一些最令人发指的失败和丑闻。一上任就面临的挑战迫使他花了很多时间努力恢复联合国受损的声誉。His enduring moral prestige remained largely undented, however, both through charisma and by virtue of having negotiated with most of the powers in the world.然而,通过与世界上多数大国的谈判,加上自身魅力,他的道德声望基本上没有受到影响。When he departed from the United Nations, he left behind a global organization far more aggressively engaged in peacekeeping and fighting poverty, setting the framework for the U.N.s 21st-century response to mass atrocities and its emphasis on human rights and development.离开联合国时,他留下了一个积极维护和平与消除贫困的全球组织,为联合国在 21世纪时应对大规模暴行建立了框架体系,同时强调了联合国对人权和发展的重视。Even out of office, Annan never completely left the U.N. orbit. He returned in special roles, including as the U.N.-Arab Leagues special envoy to Syria in 2012. He remained a powerful advocate for global causes through his eponymous foundation.即使卸任,安南也从未完全脱离过联合国的轨道。他以特殊身份返回联合国,包括他在 2012年担任阿拉伯联盟驻叙利亚特使。通过建立以自己名字命名的基金会,他仍然身为全球事业的有力倡导者。
