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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/翻硕考研辅导班: 2019 年北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研真题回忆版翻译硕士英语30 题六选二,2 篇阅读理解,2 篇阅读简答题。作文题目是 “Resilience is an incrediblely powerful force that our country and world need a lot more of right now. ”英语翻译基础词条 :英译中1、EQ 情商2、adversity quotient 逆商3、CIO 首席信息官4、CBD 中央商务区5、OTC 场外交易6、UPU 万国邮政联盟7、induction cooker 电磁炉8、pentathlon 五项全能运动9、certificate of origin 原产地证书10、pathogen 病原体11、financial statements 财务报表12、No loitering. 请勿逗留新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/13、dopamine 多巴胺14、national treatment 国民待遇15、pyramid scheme 传销中译英1、报复性关税 retaliation tariff2、水陆两栖飞机 amphibious aircraft3、大道至简 The great Dao is the simplest.4、吃瓜群众 onlooker5、上海自由贸易试验区 Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone6、网络空间 cyberspace7、剁手党 big spender8、司法行政机关 judicial administrative authorities9、自拍 selfie10、文化事业单位 cultural institutions11、健身教练 fitness trainer12、暂行规定 interim provisions13、科技创业板 growth enterprise market for scientific enterprises14、疏导公众情绪 to defuse pubic anger15、政府采购 Government Procurement英译汉: Major global trends such as population growth, urbanization, uneven economic growth, increasing inequality, sudden or protracted 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/political transitions and climate change suggest that humanitarian caseloads will continue to increase. Already, the consequences of disasters for national and regional development, as well as economic growth, have led many Governments to bolster national capacities for disaster management. People affected by emergencies also increasingly use technology to articulate their needs, to seek resources from their own communities, neighbors and Governments. Humanitarian actors can leverage technology to distribute assistance more quickly and cost-efficiently and to map hazards for better coordination and planning. It will be essential to support innovation in the sector and for humanitarian organizations to harness the opportunities technology can provide.Member States and humanitarian actors are still better at responding to crises than at preventing or preparing for them. Recognizing this, the United Nations brought resilience to the forefront of the humanitarian agenda in 2012 through closer collaboration between humanitarian and development agencies to manage risks and address the underlying vulnerabilities. Increased synergies between disaster risk reduction, including preparedness, and climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts will be needed.Given the changing humanitarian landscape, we must continue to adapt and update the international humanitarian system, making it more inclusive and interoperable, connecting and convening all actors who want to contribute to different aspects of preparedness, response, resilience and recovery. We must put a greater premium on evidence, innovation and partnerships, as well as on enhanced capacity, especially at the local level. More must be done to engage affected countries. Preparations are under way for a World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 to take stock of the changing environment, agree on how to adapt and make humanitarian action fir for future challenges.汉译英:新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/越来越多的有识之士认为,人类文明正处于深刻转型之中,正走向一个新时代。有人认为新时代将是信息文明新时代,有人认为新时代将是生态文明新时代。相应地产生了两种新哲学 信息哲学和生态哲学。二者都批判笛卡尔的心物二元论和康德的人与非人事物之截然二分。但信息哲学有强烈的计算主义和还原论倾向,因而走向了一元论,并有支持完全可知论的可能。而生态哲学以量子物理学和蕴含生态学的复杂性科学为依据,提出了生机论世界观、谦逊理性主义知识论和超越物质主义的价值观。生态哲学将为生态文明新时代凝练时代精神的精华。大自然是生生不息,包孕万物,是一门变化的语言,而人类语言(包括数学语言)一旦说出或者写出就会“凝固”。农业文明的发展是绿色发展,农业文明的绿色发展是低技术的绿色发展。工业文明的发展是“黑色发展”,走向生态文明是重走绿色发展之路。但生态文明的绿色发展是选择继承了工业文明之高科技的绿色发展。它既不是单一的物质财富增长,不是单一的经济增长,也不是单一的科技进步,而是包含技术进步、政治进步、文化繁荣、精神提升的综合发展。(回忆版)这一篇汉译英来自社会科学论坛2018 第 6 期,题目为生态文明新时代的新哲学。题目考察的部分主要是论文的摘要部分,但不是完全照搬,而是将作者在正文中的部分观点添加了进去。汉语写作与百科知识词条:1. “一带一路”2. 关税壁垒3. 安理会常任理事国4. 荷马史诗5. 凯瑟琳6. 波士顿新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/7. 战争与和平8. 形声字9. 韩柳10. 晴雯11. 春秋(五霸)12. 文景(之治)13. 安史(之乱)14. 陆王(心学)15. 乾嘉(之学)16. 四大(皆空)17. 三国志18. 两位科学家(2018 诺贝尔经济学家)19. 明治维新三杰20. 艾略特21. 青蒿素22. 五功23. 基督宗教三大流派24. 好望角25. 宝莱坞应用文写作:请以某企事业单位的名义撰写一个新书或丛书、报刊、杂志征订广告,字数不少于 400 字,言简意赅,格式规范,凸显专业性、技术性和实用性。新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/大作文:以“构筑心理的防堤”为题,写不少于 800 字的议论文。文笔优美,富有哲理性。
