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1 2018年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 ( 重要提示 :答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题上不给分) 考试科目代码 357 考试科目名称 英语 翻译基础 _I. Directions: In this part of the test, there are altogether 30 items (name abbreviations or fixed expressions).15 are in English and 15 in Chinese. Please read them carefully and translate them into their respective target language equivalents. (30 points) 1.UNESCO 16.国家留学基金委 2.FIFA 17.命运共同体 3.IMF 18.绿色丝绸之路 4.give sb. a cold shoulder 19.民心相通 5.cross ones fingers 20.不入虎穴,焉得虎子 6.like a bull in a china shop 21. 非物质文化遗产 7.get into a coma 22.小心路滑 8.Bill of Lading 23. 改朝换代 9. L/C 24.诗经 10. press conference 25.往返票 11. beat ones retreat 26.闲人莫入 12. mutton dressed as lamb 27.员工停车专用 13. round the clock 28.紧急出口 14. the House of Lords 29.工会 15. the ebb and flow of sth. 30.中央电视台 II. Directions: In this part of the test, there is one English passage. Read it carefully and translate it into Chinese. (60 points) Last year, when my book of short fictions, Foreign Soil, was released in the United Kingdom, I found myself on the phone with BBC radio, doing a pre-interview. At the end of our lively and in-depth conversation, the producer asked: “So who are the other Australian writers of Afro-Caribbean descent, or from a similar background, who are working in literary fictionwhat novels should we be looking out for?” I paused. “There are well, there are some African diaspora(离散 移民社群 ) and African Australian writers I know who work in a lot of different forms, who I really hope youll also see on the shelf one day” I stammered. “Natasha Jynel. Candy Bowers.” When I finished the call, I hung up the phone and sat slumped in a kitchen chair for about half an hour. The comradery and support amongst Australian writers from all walks of life on the book trail can be extraordinary, but it can be bitterly isolating 2 on the road sometimes, not seeing a single face like your own. I love what I do, but theres also deliberating heartache to being a more-than-third-culture-kid, in a country where the subtleties of identity are often lost. I was born in Sydney, Australiaand have lived here all my life. My mother and father both grew up in London from the age of four or five, but were born in Guyana and Jamaica, respectively. Mine is a complex migration history that spans four continents and many hundreds of years: a history that involves loss of land, loss of agency, loss of language, and loss, transformation, and reclamation of culture. Before being “settled” by the British in the 1700s, the country I live on was forcefully and unlawfully taken from the Australias First Peoples. Like other non-Aboriginal Australians, my migrant history forms part of the colonial history of this land: I am settler black, rather than Indigenous(本土的 ) black. As an emerging writer, writing to this complexity of identity seemed virtually impossible. Though Australian-born, I didnt feel Australian enough to write “Australian” stories. Though my parents were migrants, I wasnt a migrant myself and felt migration stories didnt belong to me. I wondered about writing African diaspora fictions, when I was so many generations removed from the African continent. III. Directions: In this part of the test, there is one Chinese passage. Read it carefully and translate it into English. (60 points) 随着共享单车的持续大热,“共享汽车”也走进人们视野。“共享汽车”概念最近迅速在大城市蹿红,已被业界视为网约专车之后的下一个共享经济热点。据悉,已经成为汽车消费大国的中国,平均每天每辆车的闲置时间已经超过 22 个小时。据粗略估算,我国已经形成 4300 亿元的共享经济市场,汽车共享出行规模两年后将达 1.8 万亿元。 随着 Airbnb、 Uber 等共享经济产业龙头的出现及其创新商业规模取得的成功,共享经济的价值已得到了广泛认可。而在今年整体“资本寒冬”的格局下,共享单车领域资本的热度迅速升温,仅 8 月以来,共享单车龙头 ofo 和摩拜共进行了 8 次融资,投资方包括滴滴、小米、腾讯等互联网巨头,同时行业的新进入者小鸣单车与优拜单车等也分别在 近期完成 A 轮融资,金额均超过 1 亿元。除了创业公司以外,政府公共自行车系统运营商也纷纷进入共享单车领域,共享单车作为共享经济对出行领域的下一个改造点正受到资本的极大关注。 共享汽车引爆 A 股市场,北京、广州、成都等地正在频频上演“共享汽车”大戏,汽车企业、 IT 企业、风投行业界闻风而动。 根据相关资料统计,我国居民日出行 8 亿人次。城市拥堵、车辆低效、环境污染、出行痛苦,汽车共享机遇大。 3 2018年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试答题纸 ( 重要提示 :答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题上不给分) 考试科目代码 357 考试科目名称 翻译基础英语 _ I. Directions: In this part of the test, there are altogether 30 items (name abbreviations or fixed expressions).15 are in English and 15 in Chinese. Please read them carefully and translate them into their respective target language equivalents. (30 points) 1 16 2 17 3 18 4 19 5 20 6 21 7 22 8 23 9 24 10 25 11 26 12 27 13 28 14 29 15 30 4 II. Directions: In this part of the test, there is one English passage. Read it carefully and translate it into Chinese. (60 points) 5 III. Directions: In this part of the test, there is one Chinese passage. Read it carefully and translate it into English. (60 points) 6
