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考研翻译硕士阅读材料:中拉合作新机遇In the short span of two years of work in Suriname, I become an eye-witness of the impressive achievements of our bilateral cooperation, which is to a large extent attributed to the opening-up policy of China and the dynamic China-CELAC cooperation. Our BUZA colleagues are now working in a far better facility renovated by a Chinese company. Children from local communities call the Sofia Lusts Centre as their “dream palace”. Projects of Dalian IV, Wanica hospital, national broadband and e-governance are pressing ahead smoothly. Projects of 350 houses and international airport expansion will be launched very soon. Feasibility study of an agriculture technological cooperation center has been concluded. Road safety and surveillance project is under intensive study. Private investors such as Zhonghengtai Company, Broad Homes and CDIG are actively working on either oil palm or housing projects. The two governments are busy discussing better integrating our development strategies under the Belt and Road Initiative.在苏里南工作短短两年,我亲眼见证了中苏务实合作在中国不断深化对外开放和中拉整体合作蓬勃发展带动下取得丰硕成果。外交部大楼维修和索非亚社区项目交付使用,国家基础设施项目、瓦尼卡医院、国家宽带网络及电子政务项目等有序推进,350 套住房和机场扩建项目即将启动,农业技术合作中心完成可研,道路安全监控项目正在抓紧设计。油棕种植、远大住房、中大国际公司住房等大型民间合作稳步发展。当前,中苏双方正在加紧探讨进一步加强“一带一路”框架下的发展战略对接。This year marks the 40th anniversary of Chinas opening up and reform policy. Forty years of unremitting endeavors and experiences have reaffirmed the determination and confidence of the Chinese people in adhering to this fundamental national policy - the only path to win-win outcomes for the international community.今年是中国改革开放 40周年。40 年的砥砺奋进和珍贵启示坚定了中国人民坚持对外开放基本国策的初心、决心和信心。我们相信,只有坚持和平发展、携手合作,走对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟的国与国交往新路,才能真正实现共赢、多赢。Looking into the future, a more open China on a fast development track heralds new opportunities and broader prospect for China-CELAC cooperation. Many CELAC countries have already signed up for the First International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai this year. They are more than welcome to join us to better harvest the dividend of the Chinese market and reform policy. We stand ready to join our hands to promote our mutually beneficial cooperation for the interest of people of both sides.展望未来,快速发展、日益开放的中国必将为中拉合作带来新的重要机遇,开辟更加广阔的前景。今年 11月,我们将在上海举办首届中国国际进口博览会,包括苏在内的拉美各国踊跃报名参加。我们真诚欢迎拉美国家参会,更多分享中国市场和改革发展红利。我们愿与拉美国家一道,不断推进中拉互利合作,实现共同发展,造福双方人民。
