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1 青岛大学 2015年硕士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码: 808 科目名称: 英语综合 (共 4页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 Part One Linguistics (50 points) I. Define the following terms briefly. (20 points) 1. suprasegmental 2. morpheme 3. inflection 4. immediate constituent analysis 5. deep structure 6. converse antonymy 7. cooperative principle 8. entailment 9. interlanguage 10. case grammar II. Answer ONE of the two essay questions below with at least 300 words. (30 points) 1. How does Halliday relate the functions performed by language to its structures, or systems? 2. Please give brief introductions to main branches of linguistics and give a detailed description of one branch that you are interested in. Part Two Translation (50 points) I. Translate the following into Chinese. Your translation should both be an intelligibly fluent representation of the original text. ( 25 points) It is in the nature of things that the target text displays only the translators final decisions. Readers perceive an end-product, a result of a decision-making process; they do not have access to pathways leading to decisions, to the dilemmas to be resolved by the translator. What is available for scrutiny is the end-product, the result of translation practice rather than the practice itself. In other words, we are looking at translation as product instead of translating as process. 2 The distinction is an important one, as Widdowson points out. Bell suggests that the tendency to ignore the process involved in the act of translating lies behind the relative stagnation of translation studies in recent years. If we treat text merely as a self-contained and self-generating entity, instead of as a decision-making procedure and an instance of communication between language users, our understanding of the nature of translating will be impaired. II. Translate the following into English. Your translation should both be an intelligibly fluent representation of the original text. ( 25 points) 我们以为所谓“直译”也者,带并非一定是“字对字”,一个不多,一个也不少。因为中西文字组织的不同,这种样“字对字”一个不多一个也不少的翻译,在实际上是不可能的。从前张崧年先 生译过一篇罗素的论文。张先生的译法真是“道地到廿四分”的直译,每个前置词,他都译了过来,然而他这篇译文是没人看得懂的。当时张先生很坚持他的译法。他自己也知道他的译文别人看不懂,可是他对新青年的编者说 :“这是一种试验。大家看惯了后,也就懂得了 !”当时新青年的编者陈促甫先生也不赞成张先生此种“试验”,老实不客气给他改,改了,张先生还是非常不高兴。现在张先生大概已经抛弃了他的试验了罢,我可不十分明白,但是从这个故事就证明了“直译”的原则并不在“字对字”一个也不多,一个也不少。“直译”的意义就是“不要歪曲了 原作的面目”。倘使能够办到“字对字”,不多也不少,自然是理想的直译,否则,直译的要点不在此而在彼。 Part Three Culture (50 points) I. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answer the question. (20 points) 1. _ brought the new religion, Christianity to Britain. a. the Celts b. the Anglo-Saxons C. The Jutes D. The Romans 2. In its full sense, the British Parliament consists of _. a. the House of Lords and the House of Commons b. the House and the Senate c. the Queen and the House of Lords d. the Sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons 3. Which of the following is NOT a national daily newspaper in the UK ? 3 a. Financial times b. The Guardian c. The Times d . The Observer. 4. The Great Charter was signed by _ a. King Henry I b, King William c. King John d. King Richard 5. For electoral purposes, Britain is divided into 651constituencies, each of which returns _ to the House of Commons. a. one member b. two members c. three members d. four members 6. New Englanders were originally knows as _, which come to stand for all Americans. a. Uncle Sam b. Quakers c. Puritans d. Yankees 7. The theme of Thanksgiving Day has always been _. a. friendship and happiness b. peace and plenty, health and happiness c. cooperation and rich reward d. love and happiness 8. The Bill of Rights introduced by James Madison is the term used for _ to the Constitution of the United States. a. the first ten amendments b. the last five amendments c. the tenth amendments d. the most important amendment 9. The New Deal was advanced by President _. a. Franklin D. Roosevelt b. Theodore Roosevelt c. William McKinley d. Thomas Woodrow Wilson 10. When the President of the US signs an act passed by Congress into law, it still can be cancelled if _. a. the lower federal court decides that it goes against the previous laws. b. the Supreme Court decides that it goes against previous laws c. the lower federal court decides it is unconstitutional d. the Supreme Court decides it is unconstitutional. 11. Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 because of _ a. the Great Depression b. the Black Power movement c. the Watergate Scandal d. his Isolation policy 12.China and US established diplomatic relations in January _. a. 1972 b. 1976 c. 1978 d.1979 13. The Victorian Age was largely an age of _, eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray. a. Pessimism b. Naturalism c. Modernism D. Critical Realism 14. The Romantic Age in England came to an end with the death of _. a. Jane Austin b. Walter Scott c. Samuel Taylor Coleridge d. William Wordsworth 15.The complier of A Dictionary of the English Language is _. 4 a. Joseph Addison b. Richard Steele c. Samuel Johnson c. Laurence Stern 16. Which of the following is NOT Virginia Woolfs novel? a. To the Lighthouse b. Mrs Dalloway c. The Waves d. Modern Painters. 17._ is the representative work of the Jazz Age. a. The Great Gatsby b. On the Road c. Look Back in Anger d. The Sun also Rises 18. Mark Twain is well-known for his _. a. frontier theme b. symbolism c. local color d. international theme 19. _, born in America, considered as one of the great poets in both American literature and British literature, got British nationality in 1927. a. John Updike b. T.S. Eliot c. Mark Twain d. Ezra Pound 20.American writer Harper Lee is famous for her race relations novel _ which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1961. a. The Scarlet Letter b. To Kill a Mockingbird d. Gone with the Wind d. Naked Lunch II. Explain the following terms. (30 points) 1. The Bill of Rights of 1689 2. Cricket and “fair play” 3. Articles of Confederation 4. The Cold War 5. Post-Modernism 6. Naturalism
