[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年上海理工大学外国语言文学专业翻译真题回忆(838).docx

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[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年上海理工大学外国语言文学专业翻译真题回忆(838).docx_第1页
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[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年上海理工大学外国语言文学专业翻译真题回忆(838).docx_第2页
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[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年上海理工大学外国语言文学专业翻译真题回忆(838).docx_第3页
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2019 初试真题回忆 2019 年上海理工大学外国语言文学专业翻译真题回忆(838)英译中As Peyton Fahrquhar fell straight downward through the bridge he lost consciousness and was as one already dead. From this state he was awakened - ages later, it seemed to him - by the pain of a sharp pressure upon his throat, followed by a sense of suffocation. Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward through every fiber of his body and limbs. These pains appeared to flash along well defined lines of ramification and to beat with an inconceivably rapid periodicity. They seemed like streams of pulsating fire heating him to an intolerable temperature. As to his head, he was conscious of nothing but a feeling of fullness - of congestion. These sensations were unaccompanied by thought. The intellectual part of his nature was already effaced; he had power only to feel, and feeling was torment. He was conscious of motion. Encompassed in a luminous cloud, of which he was now merely the fiery heart, without material substance, he swung through unthinkable arcs of oscillation, like a vast pendulum. Then all at once, with terrible suddenness, the light about him shot upward with the noise of a loud splash; a frightful roaring was in his ears, and all was cold and dark. The power of thought was restored; he knew that the rope had broken and he had fallen into the stream. There was no additional strangulation; the noose about his neck was already suffocating him and kept the water from his lungs. To die of hanging at the bottom of a river! - the idea seemed to him ludicrous. He opened his eyes in the darkness and saw above him a gleam of light, but how distant, how inaccessible! He was still sinking, for the light became fainter and fainter until it was a mere glimmer. Then it began to grow and brighten, and he knew that he was rising toward the surface - knew it with reluctance, for he was now very comfortable. “To be hanged and drowned,“ he thought, “that is not so bad; but I do not wish to be shot. No; I will not be shot; that is not fair.“中译英曰:“然则王之所大欲可知已。欲辟土地,朝秦楚,莅中国而抚四夷也。以若所为求若所欲,犹缘木而求鱼也。”王曰:“若是其甚与?”曰:“殆有甚焉。缘木求鱼,虽不得鱼,无后灾。以若所为,求若所欲,尽心力而为之,后必有灾。”曰:“可得闻与?”曰:“邹人与楚人战,则王以为孰胜?”曰:“楚人胜。”曰:“然则小固不可以敌大,寡固不可以敌众,弱固不可以敌强。海内之地方千里者九,齐集有其一。以一服八,何以异于邹敌楚哉?盖亦反其本矣。今王发政施仁,使天下仕者皆欲立于王之朝,耕者皆欲耕于王之野,商贾皆欲藏于王之市,行旅皆欲出于王之涂,天下之欲疾其君者皆欲赴愬于王。其若是,孰能御之?”王曰:“吾惛,不能进于是矣。愿夫子辅吾志,明以教我。我虽不敏,请尝试之。”曰:“无恒产而有恒心者,惟士为能。若民,则无恒产,因无恒心。苟无恒心,放辟邪侈,无不为已。及陷于罪,然后从而刑之,是罔民也。焉有仁人在位,罔民而可为也。是故明君制民之产,必使仰足以事父母,俯足以畜妻子,乐岁终身饱,凶年免于死亡。然后驱而之善,故民之从之也轻。今也制民之产,仰不足以事父母,俯不足以畜妻子,乐岁终身苦,凶年不免于死亡。此惟救死而恐不赡,奚暇治礼义哉?王欲行之,则盍反其本矣。五亩之宅,树之以桑,五十者可以衣帛矣;鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时,七十者可以食肉矣;百亩之田,勿夺其时,八口之家可以无饥矣;谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义,颁白者不负戴于道路矣。老者衣帛食肉,黎民不饥不寒,然而不王者,未之有也。”
