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第 1 页 ,共 2 页 浙 江 理 工 大 学 2017 年硕士 研究生 招生 考试 初试 试题 考试科目: 英语翻译基础 代码: 357 (请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30 points) 1. OPEC 2. IAEA 3. NASA 4. FTZ 5. CBD 6. FBI 7. vocational school 8. have kissed the Blarney stone 9. associate professor 10. cheer leader 11. intercom 12. optional course 13. down payment 14. fat chance 15. intercom 16. 交通枢纽 17. 一带一路 18. 优惠政策 19. 保税区 20. 高分辨率 21. 网约车 22. 中纪委 23. 吉尼斯世界纪录 24. 负面清单 25. 低碳生活方式 26. 海淘 27. 营养补充剂 28. 国歌 29. 价格波动 30. 合法永久居民 第 2 页 ,共 2 页 II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (120 points) 1. Translate the following text into Chinese. (60 points) Source Text 1: On the dresser in Amys empty bedroom was a music box with Snoopy on the lid, a gift when she was four or five. She had outgrown it years before and yet could never bear to part with it. It connected her to simpler days. I picked it up the evening after she departed for college. Her bedroom haunted me with its silence, its unaccustomed tidiness, with the odd souvenirs from a childhood that was now history. But it was the music box that caught my eye. I opened it and the plaintive song played automatically, surprising me. I remembered, tears filling my eyes, the small child holding the box before she went to sleep. When I saw that she had placed my Marine Corps ribbons from Vietnam inside, I wept like a fool. I had not seen the ribbons in ten years. When Amy was small, she wore them to school, picking out one or a few to match a jacket or a sweater. It perplexed her mother and caused her teacher to think I was a militarist at a time when virulent antimilitarism was de rigueur. But even at five she could read inside my heart. She had conceived a way to show her loyalty on an issue that was drowning me in pain. At a time when right and wrong had canceled each other out, when the country was in chaos and I was struggling with the wreckage of my life, my daughter was my friend. At three, she comfort me, asking the right question when I learned that my closest friend in law school had died. At five, she tried to take care of me when, badly shaken by the suicide of a young veteran, I retreated to a remote campsite. At ten, as her class cheered the return of our hostages from Iran, she lectured them on the difficult homecoming of our Vietnam veterans. *Note de rigueur: considered necessary if you wish to be accepted socially 2. Translate the following text into English. (60 points) Source Text 2: 看到外国报刊登载了久已不见的梵高名画向日葵,以三干九百万美元的高价,在伦敦拍卖成交,特别是又一次看到原画的照片 , 心中怏怏若有所失者久之;因为这是一幅我所钟爱的画。当然我永远不会有可以收藏这幅画的家财 , 但这也禁不住我对它的喜欢。如今归为私人所有 , 总有种今后不复再能为人们欣赏的遗憾。我虽无缘亲见此画 , 但我觉得名画有若美人。美人而有所属,不免是件憾事。 梵高是 19 世纪以来对现代绘画形成颇有影响的大师,我不懂画,但我喜欢他的强烈色调,明亮的画幅上带着些淡淡的哀愁和寂寞感。
