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2018年厦门大学 708写作与英汉互译考研真题.Translate the following two passages into English.(40 points)A.Translate the following passage into English.(20 points)呜呼!士穷乃见节义。今夫平居里巷相慕悦,酒食游戏相征逐,诩诩强笑语以相取下,握手出肺肝相示,指天日涕泣,誓生死不相背负,真若可信;一旦临小利害,仅如毛发比,反眼若不相识。落陷穽,不一引手救,反挤之,又下石焉者,皆是也。此宜禽兽夷狄所不忍为,而其人自视以为得计。闻子厚之风,亦可以少愧矣。(选自韩愈的柳子厚墓志铭)B.Translate the following passage into English.(20 points)类似政府工作报告的一段.Translate the following two passages into Chinese.(35 points)A.Translate the following passage into Chinese.(20 points)The genial sunshine pouring upon him and saturating his miserable body with its warmth. A fine day, he thought. Perhaps he could manage to locate himself. By a painful effort he rolled over on his side. Below him flowed a wide and sluggish river. Its unfamiliarity puzzled him. Slowly he followed it with his eyes, winding in wide sweeps among the bleak, bare hills, bleaker and barer and lower-lying than any hills he had yet encountered. Slowly, deliberately, without excitement or more than the most casual interest, he followed the course of the strange stream toward the sky-line and saw it emptying into a bright and shining sea. He was still unexcited. Most unusual, he thought, a vision or a mirage - more likely a vision, a trick of his disordered mind. He was confirmed in this by sight of a ship lying at anchor in the midst of the shining sea. He closed his eyes for a while, then opened them. Strange how the vision persisted! Yet not strange. He knew there were no seas or ships in the heart of the barren lands, just as he had known there was no cartridge in the empty rifle.(选自热爱生命和其他故事英文版 Love of Life and Other Stories)B.Translate the following passage into Chinese.(15 points)The earth is sometimes called “the blue planet”, because from outer space it appears mostly as blue ocean. But ocean water is salty, and not easily converted to freshwater. The amount of freshwater available for human use is only a small fraction of the amount of water found in oceans or locked away in polar ice caps. Of this available freshwater, 95 percent is located underground.Underground water is motion most of the time, flowing slowly from recharge areas until it discharges into a spring, stream, lake, wetlands or ocean. Groundwater often follows the course of rivers or lies underneath marshes and swamps, keeping rivers from drying up and protecting vegetation when rain is scarce. The upward and downward movement of water through the ground has also a filtering effect, accounting for the generally good quality of groundwater. This means that groundwater is not only better suited for drinking than surface water, it also produces better crop yields.Writing.(75 points)A.Writing task 1.(40 points)翻译下面一句话,并写一篇作文,谈谈 how translators in China can contribute to patriotic education.“爱国主义教育是提高全民族整体素质的基础性工程.”B.Writing task 1.(35 points)Read the following passage. discuss your understanding of and your thoughts about “You should be yourself” and “you should not be yourself.”初试指定教材:英语写作手册丁往道等主编,外语教学与研究出版社,1984 年,或其他高校英语专业写作教材英汉翻译教程杨士焯著,北京大学出版社,2011 年;英译汉教程连淑能编著,高等教育出版社,2006 年;笔译理论与技巧何刚强编著,外语教学与研究出版社,2009 年。初试考察范围:考察学生的英语写作能力(内容详实、表达流畅,无明显语法用词错误)、英译汉与汉译英的基本功
