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2017 年硕士研究生招生考试试题(A 卷)科目代码及名称: 904 英语教学法 适用专业: 045108 学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)Part I Explanation of terminologies. (20 points, 共 5 小题每题 4 分) 1. Behaviorist Theory of language learning 2. top-down model (reading)3. information-gap tasks4. PPP model of teaching5. productive/active vocabularyPart II Statement judging (20 points, 共 10 小题每题 2 分) 1. American applied linguist Krashen uses the term “learning” to describe second language learning which is analogous to the way in which a child acquires his first language. 2. Skimming means reading quickly to get the main idea of the text. 3. According to Bygate(1987), using more complex syntax, taking long cuts and using devices such as hesitation device to give time to think before speaking are features of spoken language. 4. Listening activity of listening and sequencing aims to motivate the students, activate their prior knowledge and to teach students before listening begins so that students are affectively, thematically and linguistically prepared for the listening tasks. 5. According to Hedge, connotative meaning of a word refers to the “attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or readers interpretation of the word”. 6. In the deductive method of teaching grammar, the teacher provides learners with authentic language data and leads the learners to realize grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation. 7. Assessment, according to Cameron (2001), can be concerned with “a whole range of issues in and beyond language education: lesson, courses, programs, and skills can all be evaluated.” 第 1 页,共 4页科目代码及名称: 904 英语教学法 适用专业: 045108 学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)8. To develop students communicative competence means to develop their linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and accuracy. 9. Discipline in the language classroom refers to a code of conduct which binds a teacher and a group of students together so that learning can be more effective. 10. The socio-constructivist theory of language learning emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of Zone of Proximal Development and scaffolding. Part III Question answering. (30 points, 共 3 小题每题 10 分)1. What roles do teachers play in the classroom? Name at least five. Explain how you can play these roles appropriately in a learner-centered classroom respectively. 2. What are the features of process writing?3. What are the designing principles for the National English Curriculum?Part IV Discussion (40 points,共 2 小题每题 20 分) Intelligence does not exist in one single form (Gardner, 1983). It is not static either. Peoples intelligences can exist in many different forms and can develop and be developed over a life time. 1. Describe at least 6 intelligences according to Gardner.2. Look at the chart below and decide which particular pathways you would like to take in an English class to improve your students multiple intelligences. Discuss how many different intelligences are involved and at what level.第 2 页,共 4页科目代码及名称: 904 英语教学法 适用专业: 045108 学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)Part V Teaching plan design (40 points,第一小题 10 分,第二小题 30 分) 1. Design post-listening activates for the provided teaching material (English 8AM10U1). Demonstrate the justifications. (10 points)第 3 页,共 4页科目代码及名称: 904 英语教学法 适用专业: 045108 学科教学(英语)(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)2. Design a teaching plan for the provided teaching material. (30 points)Hints: the analysis on the teaching material; the analysis on the learners; learning objectives; language focuses; anticipated difficulties; teaching procedures and justification; time allocations; blackboard design.第 4 页,共 4页
