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科目代码: 842科目名称: 翻译与写作(英语) 第 1页 共 2页 南京航空航天大学 2017年 硕士 研究生入学考试初试试题 ( A卷 ) 科目代码 : 842 满分 : 150 分 科目名称 : 翻译与写作(英语) 注意 : 认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项; 所有答案必须写在 答题纸 上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无效; 本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回! Part One: Translate the following into Chinese ( 60 points) ( 1) My colleagues and I in fundamental physics are the intellectual descendants of Albert Einstein; we like to think that we too search for beauty. Some physics equations are so ugly that we cannot bear to look at them, let alone write down. Certainly, the Ultimate Designer would use only beautiful equations in designing the universe! We proclaim when presented with two alternative equations purporting to describe Nature, we always choose to the one that appeals to our aesthetic sense. “Let us worry about beauty first, and truth will take care of itself!” Such is the rallying cry of fundamental physicists. The reader may perhaps think of physics as a precise and predictive science and not as a subject fit for aesthetic contemplation. But, in fact, aesthetics has become a driving force in contemporary physics. Physicists have discovered something of wonder: Nature, at the fundamental level, is beautifully designed. It is this sense of wonder that I wish to share with you. ( 2) Since it was he who lost the fight, we ought to come again to the conclusion that people are powerless in the world. In reality, we believe the reverse, and it takes the act of the man in the water to remind us of our true feelings in this matter. It is not to say that everyone would have acted as he did. Yet whatever moved these men to challenge death on behalf of their fellows is not peculiar to them. Everyone feels the possibility in himself. That is the abiding wonder of the story. That is why we would not let go of it. If the man in the water gave a lifeline to the people gasping for survival, he was likewise giving a lifeline to those who observed him. The odd thing is that we do not even really believe that the man in the water lost his fight. “Everything in Nature contains all the powers of Nature,” said Emerson. Exactly. So the man in the water had his own natural powers. He could not make ice storms, or freeze the water until it froze the blood. But he could hand life over to a stranger, and that is a power of nature too. The man in the water pitted himself against an implacable, impersonal enemy; he fought it with charity; and he held it to a standoff. He was the best we can do. ( 3) There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of August! Spring has many beauties, and May is a fresh and blooming month, but the charms of this time of year are enhanced by their contrast with the winter season. August has no such advantage. It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies, green fields and sweet-smelling flowerswhen the recollection of snow, and ice, and bleak wind, has faded from our minds as completely as they have disappeared from the earthand yet what a pleasant time it is! Orchards and corn-fields ring with the hum of labor; trees bend beneath the thick clusters of rich fruit which bow their branches to the ground. A mellow softness appears to hang over the 科目代码: 842科目名称: 翻译与写作(英语) 第 2页 共 2页 whole earth; the influence of the season seems to extend itself to the very wagon, whose slow motion across the well-reaped field is perceptible only to the eye, but strikes with no harsh sound upon the ear. Part Two: Translate the following into English (40 points) ( 1) 买到了几册新书,一册一册地加盖藏书印记,我最感到快悦的是这时候。书籍到了我的手里,我的习惯是先看序文,次看目录。页数不多的往往立刻通读,篇幅大的,只把正文任择一二章节略加翻阅,就插在书架上。除小说外,我少有全体读完的大部的书,只凭了购入当时的记忆,知道某册书是何种性质,其中大概有些什么可取的材料而已。什么书在什么时候再去读再去翻,连我自己也无把握,完全要看一个时期一个时期的兴趣。关于这事,我常自比为古时的皇帝,而把插在书架上的书譬诸列屋而居的宫女。 ( 2) 小镇的冬天很冷,镇上那一座座小房子,冰雕雪 塑,像玉宇琼阁的童话世界。风雪茫茫,气温是零下五十度,酷寒。有一年,一夜大雪把全镇的房子埋了起来,清早人们推不开门窗,只能从积雪下捅个窟窿,钻了出来,人们扫雪扫了一天。但是再冷也不影响一切正常秩序,人们在照常上班,孩子们照常上学校,镇上的人们心里是火热的;冬天从来都是春天的前奏,理想的热能在人们心中注入了前进的动力。小镇很静,从没有喧闹也不见嘈杂,没有干扰,没有争吵,很静,很静,人们的文明、友爱 、 和谐统一在一帧青山绿水的画轴里。 Part Three: Read the following passage carefully and write an essay of about 300 words, elaborating on the authors argument. Your score would be reduced on proportion to the number of sentences you copy from the passage. (50 points) Learning how to become an effective public speaker can be the key difference between success and failure in your life at home, at work and in your own community! As an adult if you still have the fear of speaking in front of people, then you need to make sure your child does not have this fear. Equip your child with life skills to be able to stand up and speak with confidence, poise and skill. Once they have developed this skill, it will stay with them for the rest of their life. Remember effective communication skills mean you can impress your boss, make more sales, deliver a great speech, move up in your company and the world opens up to you when you can get your point across on your feet. Parents continue to make the biggest mistake of focusing on developing only the academics, and spending tons of monies on other hobbies like playing the piano, singing, dancing, and karate; yet they never realize how critical building confidence, developing communication and effective public speaking skills are to a child. Of course academics and all these other extracurricular activities are important, but if you think public speaking is important only in obscure or abstract ways, its time to think again.
