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2012年四川外国语大学翻译硕士真题I. Translate the following terms into Chinese: (15ps)1. Yogi: 瑜珈修行者; 瑜伽士2. SPCA: 动物保护协会(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)3. sleep debt: 睡眠不足; 网络睡眠负债4. Geneva Convention: 日内瓦公约5.House of Common: 下议院; 众议院6. horoscope: 占星术7. AU: 天文单位(astronomical unit);澳大利亚(Australia)8.Kuala Lumpur: 吉隆坡(马来西亚首都)9. a potluck supper: 晚饭聚餐10. eye-service: 被监督干活; 在(雇主)看着时才干的活11. a clockwork orange: 发条橘子(电影名)12. All Souls Day: 万灵节13. abusive translation: 滥译14. speak in tongues: 讲方言; 用别的(特殊的)语言说话15. IMF: 国际货币基金组织(international monetary fund)II. Translate the following terms into English: (15ps)1.双赢: win-win2. 物流: Logistics3. 裸捐: all-out donation4. 醉驾: drunk driving5. 辛亥革命: the Revolution of 19116. 畅通重庆: traffic-smooth Chongqing; Accessible Chongqing; Unblocked Chongqing7. 二线城市: second-tier city8. 家电下乡: home appliance going rural ; home appliances going to the countryside9. 医患关系: doctor-patient relationship; physician-patient relationship10. 面子工程: image project11. 人民币汇率:RMB exchange rate12. 占领华尔街:Occupy Wall Street13. 叙利亚危机:Syrian crisis14. 中国农村扶贫:Poverty reduction patterns in rural China15. 保障性安居工程:government-subsidized housing; affordable housing projectIII. Translate the following part into English Chinese: (60ps)Laurie lay luxuriously swinging to and fro in his hammock one warm September afternoon, wondering what his neighbours were about, but too lazy to go and find out. He was in one of his moods; for the day had been both unprofitable and unsatisfactory, and he was wishing he could live it over again. The hot weather made him indolent, and he had shirked his studies, tried Mr. Brookes patience to the utmost, displeased his grandfather by practising half the afternoon, frightened the maid-servants half out of their wits by mischievously hinting that one of his dogs was going mad, and, after high words with the stableman about some fancied neglect of his horse, he had flung himself into his hammock, to fume over the stupidity of the world in general, till the peace of the lovely day quieted him in spite of himself. Staring up into the green gloom of the horse-chestnut trees above him, he dreamed dreams of all sorts, and was just imagining himself tossing on the ocean, in a voyage round the world, when the sound of voices brought him ashore in a flash. Peeping through the meshes of his hammock, he saw the Marches coming out, as if bound on some expedition.What in the world are those girls about now? thought Laurie, opening his sleepy eyes to take a good look, for there was something rather peculiar in the appearance of his neighbours.参考译文:(稍后)III. Translate the following part into English: (60ps)宋淇先生(Stephen C. Soong, 1919-1996)生前著述甚丰,并不遗余力推动翻译教学与研 究工作。为纪念宋淇先生对翻译事业的贡献,宋氏家族于 1997 年捐款,由香港中文大学翻 译研究中心设立宋淇翻译研究论文纪念奖 ,旨在奖励海内外华人学者从事具有原创性的 翻译研究,尤其鼓励以第一手材料从事文化与历史方向的探讨。论文奖参选细则如下: 1.中国大陆、港、澳、台地区以及海外华人学者、研究生均可参选。 2.参选论文以中、英文语言为限,必须在 2009 年内公开发表于正式的学术刊物。每位 参选者最多可递交两篇论文,请在参选论文的显要位置标明所载刊物名称及发表时间与卷 号。-2- 本文为本人参加考试后的回忆版本,仅用于交流学习,请勿用于商业目的。 3.论文奖每年颁发一次,每次设奖额 3 名,不分等级,每位得奖者将获颁奖励证书及奖 金港币 3,000 元。 4.论文奖评审委员会由中国大陆、港、澳、台地区从事翻译研究的知名学者组成;评审 委员会于 2010 年 4 月进行最后的评审工作,评审结果将于 6 月前公开宣布,每位得奖者将 收到评审委员会的书面通知。 5.参选论文恕不退稿。(原文及翻译见:http:/www.taiwantati.org/?p=351)参考译文:Stephen C. Soong (1919-1996) was a prolific writer as well as an active figure in the promotion of translation education and research. To commemorate his contributions in this field, the Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Awards were set up in 1997 by the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong , with a donation from the Soong family. It gives recognition to academics who have made contributions to original research in Chinese Translation Studies, particularly in the use of first-hand sources for historical and cultural investigations.General regulations are as follows: 1. Eligibility is limited to Chinese scholars or research students affiliated to mainland Chinese, Hong Kong , Taiwan , Macau or overseas higher education/research institutes. 2. Submissions must be articles written in either Chinese or English and published in a refereed journal within the calendar year 2009. Each candidate can enter up to two articles for the Awards. The publication date, the title and the volume/number of the journal in which the article(s) appeared must be provided. 3. Up to three articles will be selected as winners each year. A certificate and a cheque of HK$3,000 will be awarded to each winning entry. 4. The adjudication committee, which consists of renowned scholars in Translation Studies from Greater China, will meet in April 2010. The results will be announced before June 2010 and winners will be notified individually. 5. Articles submitted will not be returned to the candidates.
