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对外经济贸易大学 2017年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题 考试科目: 780公共管理基础(模拟试卷一 ) 一名词解释:作为翻译准备( 每题 4分,共 6小题,共 24分 ) 1.公共物品 2.政府间关系 3.官员问责制 4.双因素理论(强化理论) 5.目标管理(全面质量管理) 6.内部性 二 简答题 (每小题 6分,共 36分) 1 In a short essay, briefly describe the new characteristics of network governance. 2 Describe the low efficiency of public goods supply. 3. Describe the main contents of Taylors scientific management. 4 Sketch the impact of the organizational structure design of contingency factors. 5. Do a brief description of the responsibility of network governance. 6. Discuss the basic content and characteristics of the new public service model. 三论述题 (每题 20分,共 60分) 1结合实际论述我国第三部门改革开放后的发展及存在的问题。 2论述中国政府间关系的发展趋势。 3结合理论与实际论述领导理论的发展过程,并概括其发展特点。 四材料与案例分析 (每题 15分,共 30分) 1.阅读以下材料,并分析所提出的问题: 医疗行业是个特殊的行业,没有人知道,“医疗产业”这个名词到底产生在哪年哪月,但它却以极快的速度在“成长”,并且引发了无数人的联想和冲动,尽管政府方面一直对此未有任何说法,但是,人们一方面似乎从医疗体制改革的政策中读出了太多的弦外之音;另一方面,现实中从来就不缺少对新生事物的跃跃试试者,在媒体的推波助澜和市场的鼓噪声中,人们仿佛看到了医疗行业这块巨大的蛋糕就在触手可及的地方,资本也就在这种氛围中粉墨登场了。 尤其在非典之后,随着中国医疗体制改革的提速,“医疗产业化”的趋势更加明显,资本市场也自然在涌动 着种种的激情。 人们普遍相信的一个论据是:目前中国年人均医疗消费只有美元,而美国年人均医疗消费美元,德国美元,德国与美国分别为中国的和倍。在美国,医疗消费占了国民生产总值的,而在中国,这一比例还不到。美国在医疗卫生方面的消费大约为万亿美元,中国为亿美元,只是美国的。以中国年国民生产总值亿元计算,只要医疗消费能占到 null 就是亿元,照此计算,医疗行业有着无限的发展空间。 另一方面,我国医疗卫生事业存在着投入总量少 、医疗资源分布不均衡、收费不合理、服务水平低等问题。在我国,占社会总人口不足的大中城市拥有以上的医疗机构、人才和经费,而拥有总人口以上的广大农村则缺医少药。据国家有关部门统计,年,全国县及县以上医院万家,床位总利用率仅为,许多中小医院的床位利用率更低至以下,而靠医院收入生存或真正赢利的医院还很少,上万家中小医院的生存和发展面临严峻的挑战。 因此,有人预测,医疗机构迟早会成为“摇钱树”甚至支柱产业,只要成功的运作,无论是卖出还是寻找机会上市 null 都可以带来丰厚和稳 定的利润。市场本身拥有巨大空间的同时,国家也在大踏步退出公立医院,这在很多人看来都是医疗产业大显身手的绝好机遇,加之各地都在纷纷加快公立医院的转制步伐,这不啻为为各路资本购买医院从而进入医疗行业提供了机会。 然而,对资本来说是诱人蛋糕的医疗产业,对老百姓到底意味着什么呢?换句话说,不管是叫做医疗服务的市场化也好,还是叫做医疗机构的产业化运作也好,这一切到底是谁的福祉呢? 1、 运用所学的公共管理知识分析医疗行业应不应当市场化。( 15分) 2、 结合上述材料,请谈谈市场经济时代,政府和市场的关系。( 15分) 2. Recently famous enterprise management consultant Bonner Paul (EricBonabeau) and Meyer (ChristopherMeyer) in the “Harvard Business Review“ do some analysis, from ants and bees, we can learn a lot of management knowledge. When ants are assembled, they can organize themselves, and they dont need any leader to supervise, so they can form a good team. More importantly, they can change according to the environment, quickly adjust to find out the answer to the problem. Two scholars call this ability “swarm intelligence“, and use this wisdom to the factory scheduling, personnel organization, and even strategy formulation. For example, ants can always find the shortest path and move the food back home. When the food is found, the two ants leave their nests at the same time, and take the two route to the food. The faster return will release more of the chemicals in its route as a marker. As a result, the other companions smell the heavier taste, the natural will take a shorter route. This wisdom depends on two simple principles: leave the hormone, and follow the trail. By using this simple principle, complex problems can be solved. For example, the telecommunications network from Hawaii to Paris must pass through many nodes, intelligent system must be able to avoid traffic jams off. HP labs developed a way to design a large number of software users to continue to flow in the network to leave information, just as ants leave the hormone, the phone will follow these information to connect. When a line of traffic jam, the route of the users will also send a traffic jam, naturally, this line will give up, get the phone to smooth line, let the traffic jam rapid relief. Another mode of division of the ant is the flexible division of labor. An ant to move food back, run into the next ant, will give it to the food, and then turn back, hit the upper reaches of the ants, the food will be picked up, and then handed over to the next ant. The ants to the location in which the turnover is not necessarily the only fixed, is the starting point and destination. A large retail chain to use this model, to manage its logistics and warehousing center. Previously the storage center with a regional approach to pick up the goods, unless the previous hand to complete the work, the next hand can not take over. In the book, for example, a person is responsible for the installation of a business book, the other person is responsible for the installation of childrens books. The problem is that each persons speed may be very large, the order of each commodity demand differences also have the size, so there is always someone waiting for someone to complete to take over. After the study, the logistics center to use “ant“ mode a person constantly picked out products, has been to the downstream is free to take over the job, then took over the work. Researchers using computer simulation found that the use of this model, it should be the fastest staff at the most end, the slowest pace in the beginning, so that the most efficient. The storage center through this approach, productivity increased by 30%. The two scholars pointed out that this kind of swarm intelligence has three advantages: first, elastic, can be quickly adjusted according to the change of the environment; two, tough, even if an individual fails, the entire group can still operate; three, self organization control, do not need too much from the top down or be able to complete the work of self management. These are the most needed features of todays changing environment. Please analyze the case by using the knowledge of management history. 对外经济贸易大学 2017年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题 考试科目 880公共管理综合(模拟试卷一) 一 辨析题 (每小题 2分,共 20分) 1.集体物品生产中,私人部门不能对产生激励机制,所以集体物品只能由集体生产。 2.税率越高,税收越多。 3.设置过多的企业管理权限(如政府审批),会导致市场失灵。 4.新制度学派理论是新古典主义在政治行为上的表现,其基本假设 :“追求自身的经济利 益,被自私的利益所引导 “。 5.取得转移性支出的规定条件越高,转移性支出水平越高,稳定的作用就越大。 6.好政策是指绝大部分民众认同的政策。 7.分配性的公共政策属于“零和博弈”的政策。 8.涉及企业的营销政策问题,社会生活关于政府的问题以及全球治理,都属于公共政策活动。 9.家庭社区是一种最常见的自愿性政策工具。 10.趋后倾向是指在政策研究中加强政策咨询的趋势。 二 名词解释( 每题 4分,共 6小题,共 24分 ) 1.有限理性决策 2.需求价格弹性 3.消费者剩余 4.科斯定理 5.国民生产总值 6.政策评估 三简答题 (每小题 6分,共 36分) 1.简述国民收入核算的方法及将 GDP作为国民收入核算的核心指标的局限性。 2.简述外部效应的类型及举例说明。 3.简述影响税收转嫁与归宿的因素。 4.简述古巴和林肯关于政策评估的演变阶段的观点。 5.简述德尔菲法和头脑风暴法的异同点。 6.简述集体思维的优缺点。 四计算题 (每小题 10分,共 30分) 1.已知某完全竞争行业的单个厂商短期成本函数为 STC=0.1Q3-2Q2+15Q+10,试求: ( 1)当市场上产品价格为 P=55时,厂商的短期均衡产量和利润。 ( 2)厂商何时停产? ( 3)厂商短期供给函数。 2.某国企业在本国的总收益为 200亿元,在外国的收益为 50亿元 ;该国国民收入的劳动收入为 120亿元,在外国的劳动收入为 10亿元;外国企业在该国的收益为 80亿元,外国人在该国的劳动收入为 12亿元。求该国的 GDP和 GNP。 3.在英国,对新汽车的需求价格弹性为 1.2, 需求的收入弹性为 3,求: ( 1)其他条件不变,价格提高 3%对需求的影响。 ( 2)其他条件不变,收入增加 2%对需求的影响。 ( 3)假定价格提高 10%,收入增加 12%, 2003年对新汽车销量为 1000万辆,利用相关弹性数据,预测英国 2004年新汽车的销售量。 五论述题 (每小题 20分,共 40分) 1 请结合实际,论述结合我国实际简述税收对劳动供给的影响。 2 结合我国实际情况,论述货币政策的类型及工具。
