2017年武汉科技大学357 英语翻译基础真题答案.doc

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第 1 页 共 3 页2017 年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题试题英语翻译基础(B 卷)参考答案及评分标准 科目代码:357Part One Phrase Translation(30 points)Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate 30 expressions, abbreviations or proper names, either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English. Section A English to Chinese (15 points) 1) 网络空间2) 全球定位系统3) 宽限期4) 放声大笑5) 英国脱欧6) 特洛伊木马7) 情商8) 国际标准化组织9) 黄金时段10) 李约瑟11) 口头禅12) 互联网服务提供商13) 冲绳14) 减肥茶15) 导航栏Section B Chinese to English (15 points) 1) the Secretary of State2) unity of man and nature3) shadow puppet4) camgirl5) blue chips6) to pay a New Year call7) Chief Financial Officer8) fundamental philosophy第 2 页 共 3 页9) maker10) to bend laws for personal ends11) virtual reality12) socialist core values13) Fire Exit14) judicial administrative authorities15) to advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nationPart Two Passage Translation(120 points)Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and one Chinese passage into English. Section A English to Chinese (60 points) 美国人有空间意识,没有场所概念。如果你去住在郊外的美国人家中做客,你要做的第一件事,几乎总是不由自主地走向观景窗。说来真是怪,你在主人屋内首先赞扬他屋外景色多么美!主人很高兴,你会欣赏他户外的远景。远方的地平线不仅仅是天地间的分界线,而且是未来的象征。美国人不会扎根于他的寓所,不管这寓所多么舒适:他的目光被辽阔的空间引向地平线上的一点,那是他的未来。相比之下,来看看中国人传统的家。四周光秃秃的墙壁,外面是个院子,院角可能有个小花园。一进入这样一个私家小院,你就会置身于一种静谧、优美的氛围之中,那房舍、小径、石头、花草构成了一个井然有序的小天地。可是你看不到远处的风景:你前面没有任何开阔的空间,惟一的开阔空间是头顶上的天空。中国人扎根于他的场所之中。中国人跟场所的情结是根深蒂固的。他们的心性跟漫游癖是格格不入的。道教的经典道德经用这样的话概括了扎根于场所的理念:“邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻;民至老死,不相往来。 ”抛开实际情况从理论上讲,农民在中国社会有很高的地位。究其原因,不仅仅在于他们致力于生产粮食这一“根基”产业,而且在于他们总是跟土地栓在一起,即使国难当头的时候,也不会抛弃自己的家园,在这一点上他们不同于唯利是图的商人。Section B Chinese to English (60 points) Life is long enough for an individual human being, but for Mother Nature, it is very short and transitory. Viewed as a long course, life is full of things that cannot be retrieved or restored, but in its brevity, it is fraught with dreams yet to come true. “The other side of the world is wonderful.” Indeed, faraway land is a temptation for us either with its legends or with its exotic beauty. Neither, however, is exhaustive, for the 第 3 页 共 3 页horizon stretches ahead in an endless vista, and there are places and things you can never see or experience save at second hand. Even if you have been to the place and marveled at its splendor, a second visit is almost out of the question, for you are always occupied otherwise. So some of your grand aspirations will remain lifelong dreams. “Parting especially saddens the sentimental.” Fortune may bring us together to forge friendship. However, in time we would have to bid farewell to each other just as people leave a party when the dance is over. Parting may come sooner than we can fully express our feelings toward each other, and we may never know when we shall meet again. Whats there to do but exchange good wishes with a handshake and miss each other endlessly in the separation?“Happy is he who is always contented.” It refers to an escapist mentality of persuading oneself to halt at limited gains. Actually we never cease to make plans for new acquisitions, driven by materials desire and pursuit of spiritual enjoyment. But the plans are often left unfulfilled because of their incongruity with reality. “Its unbearable to look back.” True as it is, our thoughts are hardly controllable when they take their own courses, and bring back past events in which there were bound to be gains and losses for us to feel nostalgic or sorry about. The moon waxes and wanes; the flowers bloom and fade. In the course of lifes quests, aspiration often gives way to disillusion, which in turn brings about regret. During our journey in life, lots of wishes will never be realized, but it is precisely the gap between ideal and reality for us to bridge, and the mistakes committed in the past for us to regret, that contribute to our maturity in life. Passage Translation Scoring Policies60-55 EXCELLENT TRANSLATIONThe translation has faithfully conveyed all the ideas in the original with only 1 or 2 minor errors in vocabulary, syntax, punctuation or spelling. The translation is elegant (appropriate choice of words, variety in sentence patterns).55-45 GOOD TRANSLATION WITH FEW INACCURACIESThe translation has conveyed most of the ideas in the original with relatively few significant errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is readable (generally clear, smooth and cohesive).45-35 PASSABLE TRANSLATION WITH SOME INACCURACIESThe translation has adequately conveyed main ideas of the original with occasional errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is, for the most part, readable.35-20 INADEQUATE TRANSLATION WITH FREQUENT INACCURACIESThe translation has only conveyed half of the ideas in the original with frequent errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling or punctuation. The translation is, in some parts, unreadable.
