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黄山之峰著名的旅游胜地黄山座落在安徽省的南部,面积约 1200 平方公里。黄山有 72 座名峰,其中最出名的有莲花峰、天都峰、始信峰和青鸾峰。黄山景色甚为独特,它兼有泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,峨眉山之清秀。奇松、怪石、云海和温泉堪称黄山四绝。黄山的迎客松早以其特殊的造型而闻名于世。Huangshan, a well-known tourist mountain resort, occupies an area of1200 square kilometers in South Anhui Province. Boasting 72 peaks,including the best known Lianhua, Tiandu, Shixin and Qingluan Peaks,Huangshan blends the grandeur of Mount Tai, the awe of HuashanMountain and the elegance of Mount Emei. Huangshan is most noted forits four attractions unparalleled elsewhere, namely, extraordinary pinesgrowing out of rock crevices, grotesque rocks, seas of clouds swirlingaround the peaks, and hot springs. The world-famous Visitor-GreetingPine has long been known for its singular build.当地流传着不少优美的神话故事,为黄山披上了神秘的外衣。例如青鸾峰这一名字的来历,就很富有诗意和传奇色彩。海拔 1780 米的青鸾峰形状很像一只蹲伏的大鸟:鸟 , 的天都峰, 鸟 , , 名 青鸾峰 。Many fairy tales about this mountain spread among the local people,hiding Huangshan in mystery. For example, the tale about the origin ofthe name of the Qingluan Peak is one of poetic and legendary flavor.Rising 1, 780 meters above sea level, the Peak bears a strong resemblanceto a fabulous perching bird, as if looking fixedly at the Tiandu Peak in thedistance, with its head raised slightly up, its tail drooping down and thetwo wings clinging to its body grown all over with trees. Hence the nameQingluan Peak, which literally means the Green Bird Peak.
