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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/1.选择题2.阅读 第一篇关于 language switch 第二篇忘记了 各五个3.C-E我总是怀想故乡的雷声和雨声。那隆隆的有力的撞击,在山谷之间回响,仿佛春之芽从冻土中震动,惊醒,茁壮成长。细草办温柔的雨声用它温柔的手抚摸着他们,长出嫩绿的枝芽开出红色的花朵。所有的这些像乡愁一样萦绕在我心头,让我抑郁。我心中的气候像北方的大陆一样缺乏雨水的滋润,一滴温柔的泪珠停留在我干涩的眼中,如同阴暗的天空上的雨滴,久久不肯落下。白色的鸭子似乎也有些烦躁,从不干净的颜色的城市的河沟中发出嘎嘎的叫声。有的任然如同小船一样徐徐游行。有的将他们长长的脖颈扎入水中,红色的脚蹼伸在尾巴处,不停拍打水面以寻求平衡。不知他们是在寻找隐藏在底部的食物残渣,还是为了享受冬天冰冷的湖水。e to c E-C The aim of education is in the development of taste in knowledge.A well-educated man is not good at reading and learning, but to know what is good and what is bad. To know what to love and what to hate is the taste of knowledge. I have met such persons and found that there is no topic coming up through the conversation.not fact and figures, but whose point of view is deplorable. Such person has erudition,but has no taste. Erudition is a matter of accumulation of facts and details. The latter is a matter of artistic judgement. A book of history can be written by the most thorough scholar, yet just an accumulation of facts and details. Without comments and analysis, the scholarmans work lacks of originity. There are many figures and events in long history can be crammed in our mind, while how to select the most important information is the most difficult thing and depens on peoples taste.
