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2019 年北京大学计算机科学与技术考研参考书目以及复试真题新祥旭考研独家大揭秘专业课教材:数据结构(C 语言版) 严蔚敏数据结构(C+版) 邓俊辉计算机组成原理唐朔飞计算机组成原理蒋本珊计算机操作系统汤子瀛现代操作系统AnderwS.Tanenbaum计算机网络谢希仁计算机网络自顶向下方法JamesF.Kurose专业辅导书:【王道系列】数据结构考研复习指导计算机组成原理考研复习指导操作系统考研复习指导计算机网络考研复习指导计算机专业基础综合考试指导全书计算机专业基础综合考试名校真题精析计算机专业基础综合考试最后 8 套模拟题计算机专业基础综合考试真题思路分析【天勤系列】数据结构高分笔记计算机组成原理高分笔记操作系统高分笔记计算机网络高分笔记计算机专业基础综合之八套考研模拟题计算机专业基础综合历年统考真题及思路分析【高教版】全国硕士研究生招生考试计算机学科专业基础综合考试大纲全国硕士研究生招生考试算机专业基础综合考试解析全国硕士研究生招生考试计算机专业基础综合考试解析配套 1000 题【其他】算法与数据结构考研试题精析陈守孔天勤的数据结构视频课这些资料我大致都看过,但是如果全部看完是不现实的,我的建议是参考教材要看,辅导书则选择某一套(天勤或者王道)即可,对于跨考或者基础较弱的,可以看看视频课。至于初试的时间安排,我个人建议是如下。第一阶段(4-7 月):基础阶段以章节为单位看完教材和辅导书,完成辅导书课后习题;第二阶段(8-10 月):强化阶段刷足够的题目,针对第一阶段的学习进行测验。第三阶段(11-12 月):冲刺阶段做套题(模拟题和真题) ,要求在规定的时间内完成,模拟真实的考试形式。这一阶段重在培养考试的感觉。复试只要初试过了,分数还不错,复试就相对容易多了。复试的考查主要是两个方面,英语面试和专业面试,以前有过英语听力和上机考试,这次都取消了,但是不保证以后也没有。对于必须的两个环节,我之前结合了众多师兄师姐的经验,再加上自己的准备,写下了如下的总结,呕心沥血之作,按照这些来准备,复试肯定没问题。附录 1:英语面试材料准备1. 基本信息:姓名、年龄、家乡、本科学校和专业、工作经历、报考的专业和方向、兴趣爱好Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers and professors. I am very glad to be here for this interview. My name is Wu Jiangyong. I am xx years old. I come from Jingzhou, Hubei Province, a small city of ease.My undergraduate period had accomplished in University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2015. I major in Computer Science and Technology. After graduation I worked in a startup company as an Android developer for a short time. And now, I am working as a QA in a listed company. Since qa means quality assurance, most of my work is about develop management or project management. When I was at school, I learnt courses about computer languages, about computer basic theories and about computer applications. Generally speaking, I know about the fundamental theories and master some basic skills. However, the longer I work , the more strong feeling of short of knowledge I have.Owing to my great interest with big data and machine learning, I choose the technology and application of big data as my research direction. I hope I can learn more and make a progress in this field in the days to come.Besides study and work, in my spare time I like to go to climbing, go to camping and take a photograph. I reached the highest peak of Beijing several times. Almost every time we would camp on the half way up the mountain. As for photography, I like to take portrait, landscape, architecture.Today, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to Peking University. Hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses at this place which I have desired for a long time. Once admitted into PKU, I will spare no efforts in studying and making myself become a better professional in computer science.Thats all, thank you for your attention. Thank you for considering me as a potential candidate.2. 介绍兴趣爱好、性格、能力和优缺点I am kind and friendly. Always ready to help others. I am outgoing and easygoing, so I can always get on well with other.I like outdoor activities, such cycling, climbing, camping, photography and watching movies. I like science fiction film. My favorite movie is Westworld, actually its a TV serial. The story takes place in the fictional Westworld. Its a technologically advanced park populated by android hosts. People pay money to come the park, do something illegal to seek thriller, they dont have to take any responsibility for murder, rob or any other things, because these victims are robots. These robots repeat their life day after another day. Finally, they have consciousness and realize the truth, and then they resist , they plan to escape from the park.I suppose my strengths are Im persistent and a fast-learner, careful, attention to detail, work with perseverance, patience. My weakness is that sometimes to serious, may lead to inefficient.3. 介绍家人I was born in a rural family, my parents are both peasants. They have a tough, hard life. They sacrificed everything, work very hard to raise my three elder sisters and me, funded me to attend school. I owe them too much and its not enough to pay them back even with my whole lifetime. I have a wise, responsible mother and a gentle father. They are my best teachers and I learnt a lot from them. As for my three elder sisters, they all married already. They love me very much since I was born. They have given me many help and I am much indebted to them4. 介绍家乡(水资源,种植,养殖,小龙虾,历史,名人,名胜,美食)I come from a small city called Jinzhou, located in a middle province of China, Hubei. Its more than 1400 km from Beijing. Jingzhou is rich in water resource, so its suitable to develop planting industry and aquaculture industry.People in my hometown plant much kind of crops, such as rice, soybean, sesame and rape, and feed much kind of fish. So my hometown is called Land of Fish and Rice. Whats more, Jinzhou is also a famous historical city. People know about it from the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. As we know, Jingzhou is a hotspot in military in ancient China, so Liu Bei once lent Jingzhou from Sun Quan, and never returns to him. Besides, Jingzhou is hometown to many famous people, such as Wu Zixu, Zhang Juzheng and so on.People in my hometown are very friendly and hospitable. And welcome to Jingzhou!5. 介绍母校(历史、校训、特色专业、最难忘的记忆、同学、老师)I was graduated from University of Science and Technology Beijing. USTB was founded in 1952, so its about 67 years old. It is renowned for its study of metal and materials science. It was chosen to be part of Chinas “211 Project”. The universitys motto is Rigorous in Learning and Research and Venerating Practice. I will never forget the campuss two big canteens. Each of them is four stories high. Each floor can accommodate 2000 students at least at the same time. For me, the most unforgettable food of USTB is fried chicken. Its really delicious. I do not know how they cook it, but it tastes very good. Besides, its much cheap. They sell it only four Yuan.My favorite teacher is Mrs. Li. She teaches history. Its a public optional course. All the students like her for her passion and humor in class. She is not just showing us the ppt on the screen. She writes a lot on blackboard and her handwriting is very good. My best friend of USTB is. Lets just call him Liu. Liu and I have the same hobby, we are both outgoing and we are members of Primitive Tribe. Primitive Tribe is a students club. This club organizes outdoor activities, such as skiing, climbing, camping, rock climbing and so on. Liu and I often go out have some fun together. We know each other well and we keep in touch with each other until now.6. 介绍本科学的专业课程和毕业论文My major is computer science and technology. The courses of my major can be divided into three categories. The first is computer language, such C, C+ and Java. The second is about computer basic theory, like operation system, computer network, data structure. The third is about computer application, like artificial intelligence, data warehouse and data mining. Among these courses, Im interested in most is data structure. It tells us how the data organized. Sometimes is a vector, sometimes is a stack. Sometimes they are arranged like a queue, sometimes they are arranged like a tree. There are many kinds of structures you can choose, but when you make a choice, you have to think about the efficiency. How long it will cost and how much space it will take up. Our job is to finish the things done with shortest time and least amount of space. My dissertation is The Development of IM Software Based on Android. 7. 擅长的课程、语言、用该语言做过什么8. 项目、工作经历Actually, it has been a bit long time before I left the last company. May I tell you something about my current job and the company I work for now?I work in Surfilter as a QA now. QA means quality assurance. Surfilter is a listed company which provides IT service solutions for state enterprises and public institutions, such as Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Industry and Information, bank and so on. Most of our product is about public security, information security and network security. One of the companys product is about online finance. It aims at finding out irregular load platform and monitoring its illegal operations, and then reports those information to the government. Other product can help police to find out criminal suspect or to find out online remarks those against the government.As a QA, my responsibility is to guarantee the quality of the software by tracking the project from the beginning to the end, by controlling develop procedure. Make sure every member of the team, including project manager, develop manager, developer, and test, make sure that what they do must obey the principles. They should write requirement documents, design documents and any other necessary documents. Before coding, WBS must be finished. Before testing, test case must be reviewed. We do it like this and then the project has a greater possibility to become a success, it will be more possible for our guest to accept the software.9. 介绍大数据技术与应用方向(大数据的概念、特点、用途、常用算法、专业、自己的看法)Big data means large collections of data. With the development of information technology and mobile internet, people produce massive data every day. Many valuable clues can be found from those data, so how to get data, how to process data, and how to apply them become focus recently. The big data and its accompanying technology like data acquisition, data storage, data cleaning, data mining and data visualization becoming increasingly valued by people.With the help of technology of big data, police in Los Angles can prevent the crime from happening, because they can predict where the crime scene will be. Google can forecast how the birds flu spread. Scientists can predict who will be the winner of the US presidential election.Big data has a strong relationship with cloud computing. Since the data is volume, so it cant be processed by just one or a few computers, and it has to be processed by lots of computers which are organized with distributed architecture. Actually, a few days ago, I read a book named Big Data, its Chinese name is 大数据时代 。In the writers opinion, big data will lead to a revolution that will transform how we live, how we work, and how we think. The book tells us the writers three principles of big data. First, big data is not random sample, but the whole data. Second, big data is not accurate, but messy. Third, big data is not causality, but correlation. I have no doubt with the first two viewpoints. As we know, IBM put forward 5Vs to describe big data: they are volume, velocity, variety, value, veracity. According to the 5Vs, big data must be the whole data and messy. But I do not agree with the third viewpoint. I do not think correlation is more important than causality. Maybe the writer wants to make his book more attractive, so he put forward such sharp opinion.10. 介绍大数据和机器学习算法(数据仓库和数据挖掘 )Data warehouse is a system used for reporting and data analysis. I learnt some algorithms about big data and machine learning, such as apriori, knn, and k-means.Apriori is an algorithm for frequent item set mining and association rule learning over
