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社 会 工 作 考 研 复 试 中 英 语 口 语 的 常 见 问 题 及 答 案 参 考社 会 工 作 复 试 面 试 中 关 于 英 语 口 语 问 的 问 题 不 会 特 别 复 杂 , 一 般 问 一 些 基础 的 知 识 点 和 名 词 , 但 也 是 需 要 好 好 准 备 。 下 面 是 一 些 常 考 的 英 语 口 语 问 题 。下 面 由 小 编 在 此 给 大 家 举 了 11 个 栗 子 :1、What is Social work?什么是社会工作?Social work is the professional activity of help individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal. Social work practice consists of the professional application of social work values, principles, and techniques to one or more of the following ends: Helping people obtain tangible services, Providing counseling and psychotherapy with individuals, families and groups, Helping communities or groups provide or improve social and health services, participating in relevant legislative processes.社会工作是帮助个人、团体或社区增强或恢复其社会功能的能力和创造有利于实现这一目标的社会条件的专业活动。社会工作实践包 括社会工作价值观、原则和技术的专业应用,以下一个或多个目的:帮助人们获得实实在在的服务,提供心理咨询与心理治疗与个人、家庭和团体,帮助社区或团体提供或改善社会和卫生服务,参与相关的立法过程。2、 What are the abilities of a social worker?社会工作者需要具备哪些能力?Competency 1: identification as a professional social worker Competency 2: the application of social work ethical principles to guide practiceCompetency 3: the application of critical thinking to inform professional judgmentsCompetency 4: engagement of diversity in practiceCompetency 5: the advancement of human rights and social economic justice.Competency 6: engagement in research-informed practice Evidence-based practice能力 1:作为专业社会工作者的认同。能力 2:社会工作伦理原则在实践中的应用。能力 3:批判性思维在职业判断中的应用能力。能力 4:多样性在实践中的参与。能力 5:促进人权和社会经济正义。能力 6:参与研究,循证实践,循证实践。3、Why do you choose to study in social work?为什么选择社会工作这个专业读研?I like social work, because I agree with the values of social work. I hope I can go deep into theoretical study and practice more social work projects with my advisors.答:我热爱社会工作,因为我认同社会工作的价值观,我希望可以深入的进行理论学习,跟着各位导师实践更多社会工作项目。4、What is the full name of NGO?什 么 是 NGO 的全称?答:Non-Governmental Organizations5、What is case work?什么是个案工作?Case work is professional workers follow basic value concept, using scientific expertise and skills In individualized way for individual or family feel difficult material and psychological support and services, to help individuals or families to reduce pressure to solve the problem Mining potential of life, and constantly improve the level of individual and social welfare.个案工作是专业工作者遵循基本的价值理念,运用科学的专业知识和技巧、以个别化的方式为感受困难的个人或家庭提供物质和心理 方面的支持和服务,以帮助个人或家庭减低压力、解决问题、挖掘生 命潜能,不断提高个人和社会的福利水平。6、What is a group work?什么是小组工作?Team work is one of the basic methods of social work, also known as the group work Refers to groups or group as the object, and through the group or groups of activities to provide social services for its members Its purpose is to promote the development of the group or team and its members can make personal use collective life to speed up its own social.小组工作是社会工作的基本方法之一,也称为团体工作。指以团 体或小组为对象,并通过小组或团体的活动为其成员提供社会服务的 方法。其目的是促进团体或小组及其成员的发展,使个人能借助集体 生活加快自身的社会化。7、What is community work?什么是社区工作?Community work is one of the basic methods of social work, relying on the community strength, the use of community resources, strengthencommunity function, solve the problem of the community, to promote community political economic and cultural environment, coordinated and healthy development of the work.社区工作是社会工作的基本方法之一,依靠社区力量,利用社区 资源,强化社区功能,解决社区问题,促进社区政治、经济、文化、环境协调和健康发展的工作。8、What is social work administration?什么是社会工作行政?Social administration is the implementation of social policies in accordance with administrative procedures, the proper use of various resources and the implementation of social policies to provide social services to those in need.社会行政是依照行政程序,妥善利用各种资源,实施社会政策,以向有需要者提供社会服务的活动,其核心内涵是执行、实施社会。9、How do you plan postgraduate life?你怎样规划研究生生活?I plan to study in specialized courses during the study period, and follow my tutor to carry out research projects and surveys, exercise practical ability, and write research reports and academic papers.During the second year of research, I want to grasp the opportunity of internship in social work and want to continue my academic and postgraduate studies, and finish my graduation thesis.我打算在研一期间,以专业课学习为主,跟随者导师开展科研项 目与调查,锻炼实践能力,撰写研究报告和学术论文。在研二期间, 我想把握住社会工作专业实习的机会同时想继续学术、考博深造,同 时将毕业论文完成好。10、Reasons for taking postgraduate exams?你考研的目的是什么?First of all, I like social work.And I want to make some achievements in this field, I think the postgraduate studies can enrich my knowledge and make me well-qualified in my future job. Whats more, I love the feeling in the university. I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere.首先,我喜欢社会工作专业。我想在这个领域取得一些成就,我认为研究生的学习可以丰富我的知识,使我在未来的工作中更有资格。更有甚者,我喜欢大学里的那种感觉和浓厚的学习气氛。11、What is your greatest strength?你最突出的优点是什么?I think I am persistent and independent. When I decide to do something, I will stick to it. No matter how difficult it is, I will never lose my heart.我认为我是比较有毅力的。当我决定做什么事情的时候,我会坚持下去。不管有多困难,我不会半途而废的。下面三点都能说:A:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。)B:Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。)C:Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。)如需更专业更全面的复试通关辅导,可以联系专业辅导机构-新祥旭考研。一对一高端辅导,我们更专业。咨询热线:18101361537 郭老师
