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第 1 页 共 3 页闽 南 师 范 大 学 2018 年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:写作与翻译注意事项:1、本卷满分为 150 分,考试时间为 3 小时;2、本卷属试题卷,另有答题纸,答案一律写在答题纸上,写在该试卷或草稿纸上均无效;3、必须用蓝黑钢笔或签字笔答题,其他均无效。I. Translation: translate the following passage into Chinese (40 points)Compared to Grammar Translation Method(GTM), Audio-lingual Method(ALM) does recognize the importance of the ability to produce and understand spoken forms of the L2. It only partially prepares learners, however, for the realities of normal spoken language. The rigid emphasis on correct production of form with only secondary concern for the meanings expressed often results in learners whose knowledge of L2 structures is fixed in the memory, but whose ability to use them to express and understand real intentions is very limited. The structures are linked to the dialogues in which they are presented and the drills in which they have been practised. Learners have little or no chance to practise their use outside these very narrow contexts. Real-life use of the L2 knowledge can, therefore, be difficult. The ALM has thus been criticized for producing learners who know a lot, but are unable to use what they know to DO anything in the L2. 第 2 页 共 3 页Both the GTM and the ALM may succeed in fixing the rules of L2, up to sentence level, in the long-term memory. Successful learners should know what are and are not acceptable strings of language according to the L2 rule system. They may also succeed in developing their knowledge of L2 vocabulary items, though with little discrimination as to the frequency and usefulness of the items the Mental Lexicon contains. Neither method though can, alone, prepare learners for the world of natural L2 use, especially the use of spoken language, where rules are not always followed and where it is at least as important to be able to express and understand meanings quickly, in a natural, spontaneous, appropriate way as it is to be able to express them with 100% grammatical accuracy. II. Translation: translate the following passage into English (35 points)第二语言习得的研究者们提出的主要论点是这样一个有争议的问题:在第二语言教学中,是否应该包括语法,怎样把语法包括在内。传统的语言教师采用了孤立教授语法的模式,因其只注重形式而忽视意义,而遭到了广泛的批评。然而,有关浸入式语言学习的研究和对自然语言习得的研究表明,当课堂上的第二语言学习完全根据体验、完全以意义为中心时,许多语言特征最后并不会发展到跟目标语言一样的水平。作为“纯粹形式为中心”和“纯粹意义为中心”的一个折中,最新发展出的语法形式中心对语法在语言习得中的作用好像采取了一种更平衡的态度。语法形式中心中关键的一点是:尽管在语言习得中一般应该以第 3 页 共 3 页意义为中心,以交际为出发点,但偶尔把语法形式作为关注焦点仍然是必要和有益的。 “在语法形式中心的教学中,老师和一个或更多学生偶尔把注意力转移到语言编码特征上来,这种转变是由于理解或造句过程中觉察到某些问题而激发出来的。 ”III. Discuss and illustrate the following topic in terms of theories of second language Acquisition. Give examples if necessary. (No less than 300 words. 40 points)On the Role of First LanguageIV. Write a composition about the following topic with writing skills of exposition or argumentation. (No less than 250 words. 35 points)The Delights of Books(以下空白)
