2014年天津大学357 英语翻译基础考研试题(回忆版)(1).pdf

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2014 2014 2014 2014 年天津大学 年天津大学 年天津大学 年天津大学 357 357 357 357 英语翻译基础考研试题 英语翻译基础考研试题 英语翻译基础考研试题 英语翻译基础考研试题( ( ( (回忆版 回忆版 回忆版 回忆版) ) ) ) 一 一 一 一、 、 、 、词汇互译 词汇互译 词汇互译 词汇互译( ( ( (30 30 30 30 分 分 分 分, , , ,每个 每个 每个 每个 1 1 1 1 分 分 分 分) ) ) ) 一 一 一 一) 、 ) 、 ) 、 ) 、汉译英 汉译英 汉译英 汉译英 1. 世界遗产名录 2. 义务教育 3. 雾霾 4. 质检总局 5. 外卖 6. 比特币 7. 海归 8. 知识产权 9. 低碳经济 10. 刚性需求 11. 服务型ZF 12. 团购 13. 自贸区 14. 官邸制 15. 住房补贴 二 二 二 二) 、 ) 、 ) 、 ) 、英译汉 英译汉 英译汉 英译汉 1. ICU 2. FOB 3. IOC 4. AQI 5. diplomatic immunity 6. debt extension 7. Wi-Fi squatter 8. caller ID 9. micro-regulation system 10. the integrationprocess of Europe 11. broadband speed 12. pyramid selling 13. CFO 14. discourse power 15. Page header二 二 二 二、 、 、 、段落翻译 段落翻译 段落翻译 段落翻译( ( ( (共两篇 共两篇 共两篇 共两篇, , , ,每篇 每篇 每篇 每篇 60 60 60 60 分 分 分 分, , , ,一共 一共 一共 一共 120 120 120 120 分 分 分 分) ) ) ) 一 一 一 一) 、 ) 、 ) 、 ) 、英译汉 英译汉 英译汉 英译汉 The Asia Edge? Its Confucius. The Asia Edge? Its Confucius. The Asia Edge? Its Confucius. The Asia Edge? Its Confucius. 选自The Asia Edge? Its Confucius.蓝色皮高级英汉翻译总主编: 何其莘、仲伟合、许钧 已经连续三年从这本书里面出题,大家必须引起足够的重视。 Confucius (Kong fu zi-“Master Kong ”in pinyin Chinese) developed a philosophy that powerfully shaped Chinese society and culture. It offered rules and standards of conduct for governments, families and individuals at a time when feudal Chinese society was chaotic, unstable, crimeridden and torn by war between states. In his career, Confucius advanced through a series of official jobs and occasionally worked as a diplomat and advisor for princes. He proposed that government jobs be filled on the basis of merit, not wealth, social position or family connections. China established a system of civil service examinations (called “the Ladder to the Clouds”) that, in a highly stratified society, opened up a rare path to societys upper reaches 10 for talented young people. Starting in his teenage years, a Chinese student would read Confucian classics in history, poetry and philosophy in preparation for the formal examinations that could start him on the road to a brilliant career as a public servant 11. Confucian teachings 12 linked the exercise of power 13 to a reverence for learning. As an old Chinese proverb puts it, “All walks of life are lowly; only the scholar stands high.” Confucius left his government positions and spent years in forced exile, teaching and wandering. His later influence was not obvious at the time of his death in 479BC, but his teachings gained adherents. His beliefs were carried by Chinese immigrants and merchants to other Asian countries and eventually to the US. 二二二二) ) )、汉 汉汉汉译译译译英英英英 政政政政治治治治类类类类文文文文体体体体,关 关关关注注注注 Z Z ZZF F FF工工工工作作作作报报报报告告告告 自新中国成立尤其改革开放以来,我们取得了巨大的成就,不仅为未来的发展 奠定了结实的基础,也为世界发展做出了贡献。我们致力于改善民生,促进社 会平等、公平、正义,以改善民生为重点。让人民能呼吸到清洁的空气,喝上 安全的水,吃上放心的食品。实现老有所依、学有所教、病有所医、业有所 就、住有所居
