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2014 2014 2014 2014 年西南大学 年西南大学 年西南大学 年西南大学 848 848 848 848 语言文学基础考研试题 语言文学基础考研试题 语言文学基础考研试题 语言文学基础考研试题( ( ( (回忆版 回忆版 回忆版 回忆版) ) ) ) 一 一 一 一 名词解释 名词解释 名词解释 名词解释 1 acronym 2 image schema 3 Chomsky 4 intertexuality 5 register 6 diglossia 7 homonymy 8 multilingual 9 adjacency pair 10 不记得了 二 二 二 二 比较 比较 比较 比较 1 Theme vs. Rheme 2 meronym vs. Hyponymy 3 presupposition vs. Entailment 4 conceptual metaphor vs. Conceptual metonymy 5 summative test vs. Formative test 三 三 三 三 构词法 构词法 构词法 构词法 1 URI 2 chirf 3 burgle 4 to bullet-(词尾不记得了) 5 MOOC 6 Razzle-dazzle 7 kang-bloody-roo 8 9 10 四 四 四 四 句子两个歧义都写出来 句子两个歧义都写出来 句子两个歧义都写出来 句子两个歧义都写出来 1. I know Mike better than you. 2. Susie doesnt dance to please her mother . 3. The CEO appointed Mr. Brown assistant4. 5. 五 五 五 五 Using Leechs CP and maxims to analyze the following utterances Using Leechs CP and maxims to analyze the following utterances Using Leechs CP and maxims to analyze the following utterances Using Leechs CP and maxims to analyze the following utterances (1) A: should we bring some to children? B:Yes. I vote I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M. (2) A: There is a dead fly in my soup. B:what do you want for $1-a live one? 六 六 六 六.Comment on the sentence of F. De Saussure .Comment on the sentence of F. De Saussure .Comment on the sentence of F. De Saussure .Comment on the sentence of F. De Saussure . “Linguistics is the “patter-domain” because it is the most complex and arbitrary.” 这个 不是原句。 七 七 七 七. . . .分析下面肯尼迪的演讲 分析下面肯尼迪的演讲 分析下面肯尼迪的演讲 分析下面肯尼迪的演讲, , , ,写出至少三种修辞手法 写出至少三种修辞手法 写出至少三种修辞手法 写出至少三种修辞手法 Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans-born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage-and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. 八 八 八 八. . . .回答下列四个问题 回答下列四个问题 回答下列四个问题 回答下列四个问题 1. Explain three steps of language production 2.新书P212 7题 3.Exemplify why metaphor is so important for human to organize and understand the world. 4.下面这个句子用了什么movement。画出它的树形图,标出trace and track
