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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/MTI 考研辅导班:2019 华东师范大学英语笔译考研真题真题回顾:翻译硕士英语:20 道单选:专四难度,包括语法和单词搭配。5 道句子改写: 用所给单词改写所给句子,要求句意不变。7 篇阅读理解: 3 篇为前几年真题,篇幅较短。1 篇作文:议论文:Should young people be given priority when looking for jobs?英语翻译基础:10 个词条汉译英:中国大陆,中美贸易战,新常态,中国文化走出去,头悬梁锥刺股10 个短语/句子英译汉:短语直接给出:in the world of blind, the one-eye is the king, vigorous 80s, crown prince段落划线句子翻译:the outsourcing of southern Californians apparel industry has 1 篇汉译英:322 字,小说翻译, 出自 薛舒风景,翻译全文如下:婆子的婆子的闺女嫁给了省城的男人,男人是钢铁厂里的工人。闺女出嫁两年多,婆子每年能见到闺女一次。每到秋天,漫山的绿色都变黄的时候,离过年也就不远了。到了黄叶儿落满山坡,山里就飘起了雪,这就该过年了。过年了,闺女就真的回来了。闺女回来,给婆子带回一大堆吃的穿的用的,省城的点心,省城的衣裳,还有这终年打着的毛线,和柔韧性很好的竹针。北方没有竹子,北方不出这样的毛衣针。省城有,东南西北的好东西,省城都有。村里新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/人说,这是婆子前世修来的福。婆子就张嘴笑,笑出嘴角边一点银色的光斑:有什么好?那个蛋糕,叫奶油的,滑腻腻,就是个肥皂沫,我炖的鸡蛋羹可比它好吃多了;那个滑雪穿的衫,落上油星子,洗都洗不掉,往水里一浸,瞎,汉子穿的衫,变成了娃娃的小棉袄1 篇英译汉:约 500 词,非文学翻译,关于 plagiarism,出自一篇学术论文,有删改,部分翻译内容如下:To some extents, findings from the study indicate that the students had inadequate understanding about plagiarism definition and its notion, plagiarism policies, and penalty for acts of plagiarism Therefore, they had committed most of common forms of plagiarism: using paraphrased, summarized, quoted texts without showing the original sources, inventing bibliography or data, and submitting online papers and handing as their owns. Level of seriousness of plagiarism acts was varying from copying some key words, sentences to entire of their assignments. The most serious case was that some students submitted an online work and handed in as their own. The number of this case is not high; still it is also an alarm to educators. However, most of students were unintentional plagiarists due to objective causes like their unawareness of plagiarism, lack of proof reading, poor writing academic skills and carelessness when taking an assignment. Some others committed plagiarism intentionally because of some subjective causes like their laziness, bad time management, desire of higher grades, pressure from family and friends. Nevertheless, the problem of plagiarism should not fall on the shoulders of the students alone. The instructor should take responsibility for neither checking for plagiarism nor teaching about ethics, which is one course rarely offered in universities. The solution would be resolved from the top, teachers should be a good model of plagiarism fighters.Plagiarism is regarded as a serious and growing problem which significantly diminishes the academic integrity of university education. In todays digital age with breathtaking advancements in the electronic storage, search and dissemination of information, plagiarism is rapidly becoming a crisis新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/汉语写作与百科知识:20 道单选(40 分):布克奖,北爱尔兰脱欧公投事件,世界杯冠军,美国大豆主产州,hash tag,Me Too 的含义,关于生物蛋白酶的作用和血红蛋白的问题,提高银行存款准备金的作用和影响,关于特朗普和美联储问题,关于法律的问题:某位明星公开承诺捐款但事后未捐,请问是否负法律责任1 道叙述题(10 分):根据下文鲁滨孙漂流记中的一段,提取出一件重大历史事件并作出解释和评价。(可写角度包括黑奴贸易,科技革命等)。1 篇应用文(40 分):东方大学翻译研究中心准备推出介绍英语文学名家栏目,并于微信号推广。现招聘 20 名志愿者进行双语翻译。请写一篇招募志愿者启示。1 篇大作文(60 分):根据“放于利而行,多怨”,“子罕言利,与命与利”续写一篇记叙文或议论文,谈谈你的感受。
