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- .1 - .16 - .65 - . - - - - - - 1 . 1. (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) . Hamid Mowlana . Robert S. Fortner 2. . 1. ( transnational communciation ) trans-border communication) 2. 2 global communication ) “ “ ” international political communication) “ ” global geographical communication) . 15 16 news-sheet pamphlet 17 18 19 “ ” “ ” “ ” 1780 19 19 20 19 3 1914 . Harold Lasswell 1927 Propaganda Technique in the World War 1933 -1945 30 “ ” Ford Foundation 19451955 30 18501970 120 20 60 paradigm of study / / nationalism statism “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” state-centralism state-departmentalism “ ” “ ” 20 50 (1) (2) (3) . 4 1. 20 50 20 50 CIS 1952 87 - 20 CIS “ ” “ word impress ideas ” “ ” - . Bernard Berelson . Archibald M. Crossley . . Paul F. Lazasfeld, . Philip.Selznick . Wilbur Schramm, . Samuel Stouffer, . David Truman, . Elmo C.Wilson, - 1956 1952 Public Opinion Quarterly “ ” 1956 “ ” images denitions International Association for Mass Communication Research, IMCR 2. 20 60 70 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication AEJMC 1969 International Communication as a Field of Study 5 American Political Science Communication International Studies Association 1970 - . Heinz-Dierich Fisher International Communication 1974 National Communication Association, NCA International and Intercultural Communication Annual 20 “ ” “ ” . 1969 “ ” one-way ow “ ” information-poor “ ” informaiton-rich NWICO 1973 1978 1976 19 New World Information and Communication Order, NWICO right of access to media “ ” 20 60 80 “ ” 6 1978 1980 “ ” 1984 1985 1986 “ ” 1978 International Communication Division 12 3. 20 80 80 1985 1986 20 50 “ ” i. / administrative ii. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” iii. “5W” who say what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”
