2020 西安外国语大学基础英语考研真题回忆版.docx

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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/2020 西安外国语大学基础英语考研真题回忆版基础英语10 道选择题15 道阅读题 4 篇一篇英译汉Two old men sat on a park bench one morning in the sunshine of Tampa, Florida, one trying to read a book he was plainly enjoying while the other, Harold K. Bullard told him the story of his life in the full, round, head tones of a public address system. At their feet lay Bullards Labrador retriever, who further tormented the aged listener by probing his ankles with a large, wet nose. Bullard, who had been, before he retired, successful in many fields, enjoyed reviewing his important past. But he faced the problem that complicates the lives of cannibals, namely: that a single victim cannotbe used over and over. Anyone who had passed the time of day with him and his dog refused to share a bench with them again. So Bullard and his dog set out through the park each day in quest of new faces. They had had good luck this morning, for theyhad found this stranger right away, clearly a new arrival in Florida, still buttonedup tight in heavy stiff collar and necktie, and with nothing to do better than read.一篇汉译英白蚁之害你知道白蚁之害吗?一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板壁板,都会蛀蚀一空。一般的房屋受了严重的蚁害,有的还会突然倒塌下来,伤人性命。电杆被白蚁蛀蚀,一般两三年就要换一次。船只有了白蚁,轻的会将货物蛀烂,重的会使般沉没。铁路枕木如果受白蚁侵蚀,火车就会有出轨的危险。白蚁这种害虫,实在是相当可恶的。在我们的社会里,则有另一种“白蚁”。前些日子报载吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇利用职权,大慷国家之慨,吃喝玩乐,请客送礼,浪费惊人,不也是一种“白蚁”之害吗?小作文A friend who lives abroad will shortly be visiting your university and has asked you to make arrangements for his/her stay.Write a passage informing him/her of what you have done.大作文Truth is more of a stranger than fictionMark TwainThe quotation stresses the elusive nature of the truth. Self-knowledge is a personal type of truth that, for some, is a known. For others, it is as elusive as the “stranger” in Twain quote.Do we need to be faced with hard choices in order to find the truth about who we are?
