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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/对外经济贸易大学考研辅导班:对外经济贸易大学金融学学术型硕士培养方案培养目标培养德智体全面发展、具备坚实的经济金融理论与实务、能够把握国家经济金融政策、精通和掌握金融某一专业领域的知识和技能、具有国际视野和国际交流能力的应用型高级金融技术和管理人才。专业要求1. 身心健康,具备良好的政治思想素质和职业道德素养。2. 具有扎实的经济学理论和金融学理论基础,系统掌握现代金融学原理和金融专业知识。3. 较为熟练地掌握英语,能阅读本专业的英文资料,并能综合运用。4. 具有较强阅读文献的能力和科学研究能力;初步具备独立承担与专业研究相关工作的能力和创新能力;具备继续深造或者从事金融研究的知识水平和学术潜质。5. 熟悉现代信息技术,具备熟练运用网络查阅、收集和处理相关专业知识的技能,具备较强的写作能力和沟通能力。研究方向1. 货币理论与政策2. 国际金融理论与政策3. 银行管理4. 资本市场5. 公司金融6. 金融风险管理7. 金融工程8. 投资理论与实务学习形式及学习年限新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/本专业的学习形式为全日制,基本学习年限为二年。在校生休复学、出国、延长学习年限等的具体申请办法见对外经济贸易大学研究生学籍管理办法。学分要求本专业硕士生最低学分要求为 26 学分,其中,必修课 16 学分,选修课 10 学分(专业选修课不低于 4 学分)。研究生应在导师指导下制定个人培养计划、选择选修课。研究生选课、课程考核、成绩评定、学分替代等严格按照对外经济贸易大学研究生课程学习及成绩管理办法及对外经济贸易大学研究生学籍管理办法的有关规定执行。毕业条件与学位授予1. 本专业硕士生应满足以下条件方可毕业:(1)已制定的个人培养计划合格;(2)已修满培养计划内规定的学分,且各课程成绩合格;(3)符合学校学籍及其它相关管理规定;(4)已通过毕业(学位)论文答辩。2. 研究生毕业(学位)论文开题、写作、学术不端行为检测、外审、答辩等应严格参照我校研究生学位管理的有关规定执行。3. 本专业授予经济学硕士学位。专业阅读书目教材与专著:1拉姆拉玛纳山应用经济计量学机械工业出版社,20032兹维博迪,罗伯特默顿金融学中国人民大学出版社,20103斯蒂芬A罗斯公司理财机械工业出版社,20124兹维博迪投资学精要中国人民大学出版社,20105Suresh. M. Sundaresan固定收入证券市场及其衍生产品北京大学出版社,2003新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/6小詹姆斯L法雷尔投资组合管理:理论及应用机械工业出版社,20027唐M钱斯衍生金融工具与风险管理中信出版社,20048Ruey S. Tsay. Analysis of Financial Time Series(3rd edition). Wiley-Interscience, 2002.9Joshua D. Angrist, Jrn-Steffen Pischke. Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricists Companion. Princeton University Press, 2009.10Eckhard Platen, David Heath. A Benchmark Approach to Quantitative Finance. Springer, 2006.11J. S. Dagpunar. Simulation and Monte Carlo With Applications in Finance and MCMC. Wiley, 2007.12Paolo Brandimarte. Numerical Methods in Finance A MATLAB-Based Introduction. Wiley-Interscience, 2006.13Nicolas Privault. Notes on Stochastic Finance.14Paul Wilmott. Introduces Quantitative Finance. Wiley, 2010.15Shreve S. E. Stochastic Calculus for Finance I&II. Springer, 2004.16Sheldon Natenberg 编韩冰洁译期权波动率与定价机械工业出版社,201417Victor Spearandeo 编丁圣元译专业投机原理机械工业出版社,2010文献:1Gonzlez-Urteaga, Ana and Gonzalo Rubio. The Cross-Sectional Variation of Volatility Risk Premia. Journal of Financial Economics 119, no. 2(2016): 353-370.2Carr, Peter and Liuren Wu. Analyzing Volatility Risk and Risk Premium in Option Contracts: A New Theory. Journal of Financial Economics 120, no. 1(2016): 1-20.新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/3Ge Li, Tse-Chun Lin and Neil D. Pearson. Why Does the Option to Stock Volume Ratio Predict Stock Returns? Journal of Financial Economics 120, no. 3(2016): 601-622.4Filipovic, Damir, Elise Gourier and Loriano Mancini. Quadratic Variance Swap Models. Journal of Financial Economics 119, no. 1(2016): 44-68.5Qiu Jiaping and Fan Yu. Endogenous Liquidity in Credit Derivatives. Journal of Financial Economics 103, no. 3(2012): 611-631.6Cai Jie, Ralph A. Walkling and Ke Yang. The Price of Street Friends: Social Networks, Informed Trading, and Shareholder Costs. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Forthcoming, 2014.7Rytchkov, Oleg. Asset Pricing With Dynamic Margin Constraints. Journal of Finance 69, no. 1(2014): 405-452.8Engle, Robert F. Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity with Estimates of the Variance of United Kingdom Inflation. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society(1982): 987-1007.9Engle, Robert F. and Clive WJ Granger. Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society(1987): 251-276.10Merton, Robert C. On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates. Journal of Finance 29, no. 2(1974): 449-470.11Merton, Robert C. Theory of Rational Option Pricing. The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science(1973): 141-183.12Markowitz. Portfolio Selection. JF, 1952.(均值-方差模型)13Arrow, Debreu. Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy. Econometrica, 1954.(Arrow-Debreu 均衡)新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/14Modigliani, Miller. The Cost of Capital, Corporation Financeand the Theory of Investment. AER, 1958.(MM 定理)15Sharpe. Capital Asset Prices-A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk. JF, 1964. (CAPM)16Lintner. Security Prices, Risk, and Maximal Gains From Diversification. JF, 1965.(CAPM)17Mossin. Equilibrium in a Capital AssetMarket. Econometrica, 1966. (CAPM)18Ross. The Arbitrage Theory of Capital Asset Pricing. JET, 1976. (APT)19Black, Scholes. The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities. JPE, 1973. (B-S)20Merton, Bell. Theory of Rational Option Pricing. JEMS, 1973. (B-S)21Samuelson. Proof that Properly Anticipatedprices Fluctuate Randomly. Industrial Management Review, 1965. (EMH)22Fama. Efficient Capital Markets-A Review of Theory and Empirical Work. JF, 1970. (EMH)23Fama. Market Efficiency, Long-termreturns and Behavioral Finance. JFE, 1998. (EMH)24Fama, French. Common Risk Factors in Thereturns on Stocks and Bonds. JFE, 1993.(三因子模型)25Fama, French. Multifactor Explanations of Asset Pricing Anomalies. JF, 1996.(三因子模型)26Siegel, Thaler. Anomalies-The Equity Premium Puzzle. JEP, 1997.(股权溢价之谜)新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/期刊:1American Economic Review2Econometrica3Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis4Journal of Financial Economics5Journal of Finance6Journal of Trading7Journal of Political Economy8Journal of Econometrics9Mathematical Finance10Management Science11Operations Research12Quarterly Journal of Economics13Review of Financial Studies14经济研究15管理世界16金融研究网站:1SSRN2NBER新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/新祥旭一对一考研辅导最基本的特征是一个老师专门辅导一个考研的学生,区别于学校中的很多学生听一个老师讲课的大班上课形式。从教育的本质看,只有互动才能够达到有效的教育效果,而一对一是教育能够互动的基本要求,传统的大班上课形式,互动很难有效展开。正因为如此,在传统学校教育课堂之外,新祥旭大力推广一对一辅导的教育培训模式。人们常说的一对一辅导全称一对一个性化辅导,是由专门的个性化教育辅导机构针对每个学生不同的学习情况和心理情况,有针对性地制定出一套独特的、行之有效的教学辅导方案和心理辅导策略,并由每个学生所配备的教学团队加以实施执行(包括一位专业教师+专业的心理咨询师+潜能开发专家+励志拓展专家+专职班主任),通过全方位、策略性地辅导,不仅使学生掌握一种切合自身的学习方法,改善不良学习习惯,稳固提升学科知识,而且在树立自信,完善人格、为人处事等方面均得以提升。
