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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/翻硕考研辅导班: 2020 年翻译硕士英语作文真题整理1、北京科技大学:机器翻译是否会取代人工翻译?2、安徽大学:Should a Reward be Given to a Good Deed?3、北二外:It is appalling obvious that technology exceed humanity. Do you think the drive of technological progress have negative influences to societal values?4、浙理工:面部识别技术在公共场合的应用。5、贵州大学:中国梦。6、天津师大:In many countries, young people choose to work or travel a year between finishing the high school and starting university. 分析优劣,结合自己经历或认识。7、上外贸:老龄化社会。(亮亮老师整理分享)8、上理工:Volunteer teacher in poverty-stricken areas。9、南师大:scholarship 应该给高分的学生还是贫困的学生?10、南理工:sportsmanship 对大学生的意义。11、成理工:科技的发展本来是解放人们,却让人们越来越忙,你怎么评价这一现状,请说明原因并举例子?12、上大:The Poetry of Our Everyday Life。13、东北大学:知识应从书中获取还是从经验中获取?(亮亮老师整理分享)14、大连外国语:impact of social media on interpersonal relationship.15、宁波大学:the benefit of volunteering16、电子科大:the greatest invention of human beings。17、 西南交通大学:屏幕使用时间过长的原因和改善措施。18、西财:Some people believe that parents have great influence on childrens growth but others think that from the outside plays an 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/important role in childrens growth.19、武大:school should be useful or a sort of enjoyment for the learners20、福州大学:Do you agree the ultimate purpose of education is to cultivate good citizens21、东北师大:starting career in big cities or in small towns22、西南大学:cashless society。23、云南大学:科技发展的时代还要不要坚持传统文化。经典诗歌在现代社会是否过时?24、华中师大: 对教育减负制度的看法。(亮亮老师整理分享)24、北语:The benefits of mapping the relationships between literary scholars。25、海南大学:Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need, but not every mans greed.26、桂电:Do we still need to learn English27、广外:HK 事件。28、外交学院:转基因食品。29、中石油(北京):why does smartphone a necessity of our lives30、川外:基因编辑的看法。31、辽宁师范大学:Environment and Us32、合工大:Translation and the Belt and Road33、天外:My Personal Views on “My Country and I“34、中海洋:Do you agree children brought up with large amounts of money can better deal with adults life?35、西邮:文化自信。36、湖南师大:垃圾分类。新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/37、苏大:纸质书还是电子书?38、上师大:human flesh search39、矿大(徐州):该不该国际援助。40、福师大:该不该用回繁体字。41、矿大(北京):it is no such purely objective observation. All observation is subjective: It is guided by observers expectations and desires .42、北交大:China dream, my dream43、北外:孔子纪念会对习大大发言的阐述理解。/ 文化创新 感悟44、中科院:谈谈对尼采的 He who has a why to live for,can bear with almost any how.看法45、北邮:Has the technologies made our lives easier46、北师大:traffic and housing problem in major cities can be solved by moving large companies, factories and their employees to the countryside47、中南财大:The importance of team spirit and communication in workplace.48、暨南大学:想住在大城市还是小城镇(亮亮老师整理分享)49、重庆师大:互联网对社会和经济的影响50、厦大:你对海外留学的看法51、湘潭大学:Are we what we read? 52、东华:青少年犯罪应该与成人犯罪同等刑罚力度吗?53、黑大:yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery,today is a gift54、中央民族:演讲的艺术55、华南理工:孩子做家务要不要奖56、中传:traditional values新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/57、华科:双一流大学的标准58、中南大学:合法毒品大于等于非法毒品危害吗,谈看法59、北林:人工智能60、内蒙古师范大学:多民族文化交流融合61、西外:校园暴力62、兰大:cell phones should or should not be allowed to use in college language class63、浙大:Translation and Localization / World Heritage Site in translation64、重庆大学:Reading can broaden the mind65、地大: fast food 越来越受欢迎 你如何看待这种趋势?态度?66、昆明理工:competition or co-operation67、郑大:over -reliance on modern technology68、中山大学 女性该不该当警察和当兵69、北二外:It is appalling obvious that technology exceed humanity. Do you think the drive of technological progress have negative influences to societal values?70、人民大学:人工智能 positive / negative71、东南大学:人工智能 positive / negative72、青岛大学:打卡旅游 daka tours73、复旦大学:孩子压力大,该减负么?(亮亮老师整理分享)74、河南师大:应不应该在地铁上禁止吃东西75、川大:digital humanities76、北京工商:翻译研究中对 adequacy(充分性)的理解77、上外:大数据78、首师大:translation as a match-maker79、燕大:my views on parenting/ how to deal with mental disease新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/80、同济:academic honor codes81、北邮:技术的发展是否让生活更好(亮亮老师整理分享)82、河北师大:对电子竞技看法83、太原理工:大学生是否应该在大城市工作84、广西大学:最低工资标85、中国民航大学:在家吃还是出去吃86:辽宁大学:人们爱买名牌的原因和你的看法87、山东大学:名言看法,大致是“young people should not be empty cup to be filled, but candle to be lit “88、大连海事:成功是否与运气有关89、南京大学:discuss about whether social media values are human values90、上财:微信朋友圈话题作文(丢失真朋友,很多假朋友)91、上海海事: Remain true to original aspiration (不忘初心) 92、南京师大:题干给的材料是 A university plans to give ¥5,000 scholarship to students, some people think that the scholarship should go to the students with high academic performance; but others think that the scholarship should be based on financial conditions, whats your opinion.93、扬州大学:精英教育是否应该在中国实行?对于在学校为有高资质的学生设置特殊班级有什么积极性或消极性?94、南开:waste sorting leads to green lifestyle95、烟大:看法:the spirit of craftsmanship in new era96、广工:value of time and how to use time97、安师大:政府需要负责国防和基础设施建设。其他的例如教育,医疗和社会保障等应该由社会团体或个人提供。是否支持上述观点。98、北航:科技的发展和进步,是否会扩大贫富差距。新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/99、华东政法大学:Longer average working hours makes a country economically successful. Do you agree or disagree?100、东财:Should cheap air travel be encouraged?101、南京大学:Whether social media values are human values102、南京农业:是否可以在小区养狗103、浙江工商:As we acquire more knowledge,things dont become comprehensive,but more complex and mysterious.104、延边大学:对崔雪莉因遭遇网络暴力而自杀的看法105、河北大学:Do you agree or disagree life today is much easier than the time when your grandparents were children?106、陕师大: 以 In support of dormitory policies 为题,写一篇文章给校园电台107、中科大:Impact of driver-less cars on the life in the future108、中石油(华东):drunk driving and social responsibility109、江苏师大:人脸识别的应用110、长沙理工:资源回收111、武汉理工:what is required to become truly educated ?112、大连理工:是否建议 art subjects 加入学校大学大纲
