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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/藏大考研辅导班:2021 西藏大学考研最新消息:考研英语时文赏读(132):又失眠了?试试这个办法吧!This Simple Trick Can Help You Fall Asleep in 60 Seconds or Less这个简单的技巧可以帮助你在 60 秒或更短的时间内入睡Insomniacs, prepare for the best nights sleep ever. Thats right: No more tossing and turning into the wee hours of the morning. No more counting sheep on Sunday evenings. And no more lying, wide-eyed, in the dark after waking up in the middle of the night. Theres now an easyand expert-approvedway to fall asleep in less than a minute.失眠症患者们,准备好睡上美美的一觉吧。没错:不会再辗转反侧到清晨了。星期天的晚上也不用再去数羊了。半夜醒来后,再也不用睁大眼睛躺在黑暗之中了。现在有一种简单而且经过专家认可的方法让你在不到一分钟内快速入睡。This all-natural remedy is called the 4-7-8 method, and yes, its as 新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/simple as it sounds. First, get settled into a comfy position on your bed. Then, simply inhale through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for eight more seconds. Repeat until you fall asleep.这种纯天然的治疗方法叫做“4-7-8 入睡法” ,不错,它确实就像听起来那么简单。首先在床上找到一个轻松舒服的姿势。然后,用鼻孔吸气 4 秒,屏住呼吸 7 秒,最后用嘴在 8 秒的时间缓缓将气呼出。重复这一过程直至你睡着为止。Thats all there is to it! Dont believe us? Just ask Harvard-educated medical doctor Andrew Weil, who adopted this exercise from a centuries-long Indian yogi meditation practice.就是这样!不相信?问问从哈佛大学毕业的医生安德鲁韦尔吧,他从一个具有数世纪历史的印度瑜伽冥想训练中找到了这个方法。“Its the single best method that Ive found for dealing with getting back to sleep if you want up on the middle of the night,” he said in a lecture.他在一次演讲中说道:“如果你在半夜失去了睡意,这是我发现的让你重新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/新入睡的最好方法”。The yogis use this method to achieve a state of complete relaxation, counteracting stress and anxiety. Deliberately slowing down your breathing forces the rhythm of your heart to slow down, too, making the rest of your body relax. In other words, its a natural sedativefor your body AND mind.瑜伽修行者利用这种方法来达到彻底放松、排遣压力和焦虑的状态。故意放缓呼吸使得你的心率也由之变缓,让身体其它部位放松下来。换句话说,这就是你身体和精神的天然镇静剂。He said: “And that comes with time. So its the regularity of doing this over a period of weeks, months, years that produces the changes that you want.”他说:“想要达到效果是需要时间的。所以,只有花数周、数月乃至数年的时间来定期这么做,你才能实现你想要的效果。”There you go! Once you start sticking to it, you can quit counting sheep for good.新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/去试试这种方法吧,只要开始坚持,你就能永远不用再去数羊了。(全文共 282 个词)重难点词汇:insomniac n. 失眠症患者meditation n. 冥想;沉思,深思;静坐sedative n. 镇静剂;能使安静的东西;止痛药 adj. 使镇静的;使安静的
