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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/翻硕考研辅导班: 2020年北外高翻翻硕考研真题回忆翻译硕士英语1.篇章填空league of nations的介绍2.根据定义以及首字母填空3.改错4.翻译关于脱欧的5.作文怎么理解传统文化的创新发展英语翻译基础一、词条英译中1. NDA2. ETA3. DTP4. ERP5. ARPU6. Pentathlon新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/7. Pediatrics8. Alzheimers disease9. Departure lounge10. Financial leverage11. General ledger12. rheumatoid arthritis13. Initial public offering14. Internal Revenue Service15. Internal rate of return二、词条中译英1. 融媒体2. 氨基酸3. 真人秀4. 狗仔队5. 农药残留6. 非洲猪瘟7. 文化事业8. 民族地区9. 精准扶贫10. 中央政治局11. 报复性关税12. 供给侧改革13. 总碳水化合物新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/14. 共有产权住房15. 非公有制经济三、英译汉The cultural and religious crisis through which the Roman Empire was passing in thefourth century is one of the most significant events in the history of the world. The oldpagan culture came into collision with Christianity, which received official recognitionduring the reign of Constantine at the beginning of the fourth century and wasdeclared the dominant State religion by Theodosius the Great at the end of that samecentury. It might have seemed at first that these two clashing elements, representingtwo diametrically opposed points of view, would never find a basis for mutualagreement. But Christianity and pagan Hellenism did intermix gradually to form aChristian-Greco-Eastern culture subsequently known as Byzantine. Its center was thenew capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople.The person who was chiefly responsible for the many changes in the empire wasConstantine the Great. During his reign Christianity stepped for the first time on thefirm ground of official recognition. From this time forward the old pagan empire新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/gradually changed into a Christian empire.The conversion of nations or states to Christianity has usually taken place duringthe early stage of their historical existence when the past has created no firmlyestablished traditions, but merely some crude and primitive customs and forms ofgovernment. In such cases the conversion has caused no great crisis in the life of thepeople. But this was not characteristic of the Roman Empire in the fourth century. Italready possessed an old world culture and had developed forms of government perfectfor that time. It had a great past and an extensive body of ideas which had beenassimilated by the population. This empire, changing in the fourth century into aChristian state, entered upon an era during which its past was contradicted, at timescompletely denied; this was bound to lead to an extremely acute and difficult crisis.四、汉译英程朱理学关于仁爱的翻译百科词条1. 官渡之战新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/2. 王熙凤3. 庞氏骗局4. 江湖5. 2019年诺贝尔文学奖作家6. 天人感应7. 印欧语系8. 抗生素9. 凯恩斯主义10. 英美法系11. 新教12. 伤寒杂病论13. 五言律诗14. 霍尔木兹海峡15. 和平共处五项原则16. 丝绸之路:长安 天山廊道的路网17. 三言(三言二拍)18. 二重证据法19. 四大国20. 中亚五国21. 九月九日22. 世界地球日23. 喀斯特地貌24. 自由港25. 纽伦港新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/作文如何营造自己的心
