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1、 词条翻译1.中国国际进口博览会 2.四个全面3.绿色化学4.文心雕龙5.金砖国家6.纳米生物材料 7 外商直接投资;8. 生物识别9.贸易自由化10.智能合同11.区块链12 健康中国战略it I: dramatic, infnite, breakable, accelerate,predict, double, evolution, shrink, information,With the speed of computers so regularly seeingincreases in their processing speed, itseems that it shouldnt be too long before themachines becomefast - except theycant. A pairof physicistshas shown thatcomputers have a speed limit asasthe speed of light. If processors continue toas they have in the past, well hit thewall of faster processing in less than a century.Intel co-founder Gordon Moore40years agothat manufacturerscouldcomputing speed every two years or SO bycramming ever-tinier transistors on a chip. Hisprediction became known as Moores Law, and ithasheld truethroughout theofcomputers- the fastest processor today beats out a ten-year-old competitor by a factor of about 30. Ifcomponents are to continue, physicistsmust eventually code bits ofontoever smaller particles. Smaller means faster inthe microelectronic world, but physicists LevLevitinand Tommaso Toffoli at Boston Universityin Massachusetts, have slapped a speed limit oncomputing, no matter how small the componentsget. “If we believe in Moores law. .then it wouldtake about 75 to 80years to achieve thisquantum limit,“ L evitinsaid. “No system canovercome that limit. It doesnt depend on thenature of the systemor how itsimplemented, whatalgorithmyouusefor1.完型填空(15 选 10,新题型,需要自己变形式 )physical (还有其他五个错误选项)单项选择题(20 个, 每个 1 分 )横线部允汉武帝和董仲舒开创 ”独尊儒术“的局面安徒生童话作品除了:_木偶奇遇记寒武纪 MLU100 (公司名) 研发了中国第能芯片行政处罚:交通处罚圣经新约包括:福音书、历史书、使示录博鳌亚洲论坛主题:”开放创新的亚洲繁界“人口老龄化标准: 60 岁以上人群占全国人恩格斯评价但丁是中世纪的最后一位诗人:代的第一位诗人FAST 发现了 :脉冲星1.四书五经指的是_大学 孟子 中 J.弗洛依德没有突破催眠医学的局限性.魏源的作品:_海国图志.夏衍的作品:_ 上海屋檐下
