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新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/杭 州 师 范 大 学2019 年招收攻读硕士研究生考试题考试科目代码: 357 考试科目名称: 英语翻译基础 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。I. Directions: Translate the following English words, abbreviations or terminology into Chinese respectively. There are altogether 25 items in this part of the test with one point for each. (25 points)1.NASA2.CPI3.GNP4.ISO5.OEM6.CFO7.G.W.8.L/C9.CIA 10.MIT11.BRICS Summit12.the most favored nation (MFN) status13.trade hegemony and bullying14.comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination15.Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb16.herd effects17.hung parliament18.King of Glory19.grey rhino20.white supremacy21.targeted RRR cut22.host of livestreaming sites23.retaliatory duty24.Bretton Woods system25.multi-party co-operation in exercising State power新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/. Directions: Translate the following Chinese words into English respectively. There are altogether 25 items in this part of the test with one point for each. (25 points)1.反倾销2.实名制3.起征点4.“三农“问题(农业农村农民问题)5.顺风车6.网约车7.大湾区8.医闹9.霸座10.普惠金融11.精准扶贫脱贫12.水货13.就业力14.人脸识别15.娘炮之风16.播放量17.北极科学考察队18.天价片酬19.亚运会会徽20.非法代写服务21.纯母乳喂养22.战略伙伴关系23.多边贸易体制24.就近入学25.“双一流”. Directions: Translate the following English passage into Chinese one carefully. Pay special attention to the faithfulness and expressiveness. (50 points)Nowadays much is talked about cultural landscape protection. Unfortunately, perhaps it is more talked about than actually being done in the line of protection. Individual countries have their pertinent legislation in force. Also, international organizations make their best for the protection, for instance UNESCO, for one. With a range of means at ones disposal, the goal can be achieved which, for subsequent generations, may be simply of tremendous significance.Understanding of the concept of cultural landscape and its public awareness may be an interesting issue with reference to landscape protection. This is actually different in individual countries.新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/Lets take Poland for instance. It stands to reason that cultural landscape, its transformations, have a firm footing in history in the dynamics of political changes. Undoubtedly, they had their bearing on the feeling for the values and resources of the landscape which, unfortunately perhaps, did not preclude its ignorant devastation. These will include examples of thoughtless building developments, lack of respect for nature, etc.In times following the end of WW II Polish peasantry opposed to integration of their land, as distinguished for instance from Russia or from other countries of the Soviet block. Preservation of individual property and of traditional forms of farming helped in preservation of agricultural landscape, the State Farming introduced on a large scale at that time was to become an alternative lifestyle for farmers. However, they failed to materialize their ideas, to meet the competition of the tradition and the assets immanent in a private property that even though of minor value, it was highly respected.It will be emphasized here that the state-managed forms of nature protection, hence also of agricultural landscape protection, were of help in preserving historical values. Polands agricultural landscape has preserved in part its unique, picturesque character of great scenic beauty in various parts of the country, being based on land division pattern. This was due to a strong attachment to tradition with a desire of its preserving and continuing.It is a matter of common knowledge that cultural landscape is one in its entirety, even though we perceive and interpret it depending on its specific character and classification. Directions: Translate the following Chinese passage into English one carefully. Pay special attention to the faithfulness and expressiveness. (50 points)令人欣慰的是,在历经艰难曲折之后,世界经济出现整体复苏态势。其中一个重要原因是,新一轮产业革命孕育兴起,全球创新活力竞相迸发,为世界经济发展注入了新动能。然而,当前国际环境中不稳定不确定因素明显增多,逆全球化倾向抬头,怎样继续壮大新动能、促进世界经济持续稳定增长,是各方普遍关心的问题。本届论坛以“在第四次工业革命中打造创新型社会”为主题,具有很强的针对性。在新产业革命中壮大世界经济发展新动能,就要坚定维护经济全球化。新产业革命是在经济全球化条件下产生的,正是全球化带来的贸易和投资自由化、生产和创新要素流动便利化,打造了全球密不可分的产业链、创新链、价值链,推动了新产业革命以前所未有的速度、广度、深度向前发展,形成新技术新产业多点突破、集群发展、爆发增长的态势。在这个进程中,各国经济不同程度融入其中,彼此相互依存、共生共荣。比如,中国货物出口的 40%、高技术产品出口的三分之二是在华外资企业实现的。新祥旭考研官网 http:/www.xxxedu.net/
