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上财考研辅导班: 2019 年上海财经大学英语笔译 357英语翻译基础真题回忆 211翻译硕士英语 ( 211 考的很痛苦,现在已经回忆不出来什么细节了,下面只有题型分值和作文题目) 单选 | 20 题 1 分,偏重词汇 阅读 | 4 篇 5 题 1.5 分,都是选择题 补全 | 用给的句子补全文章,六选五 改错 | 10 题 1 分 应用文 | 假设你正在申请上财笔译的研究生,说 说 why you are the right person, the future plan and other information, 120 words 作文 | 因为在驾驶时使用手机会导致危险,要求说 明 the necessity mandatory nationwide banning of the use of phones while driving, 250 words 357英语翻译基础 英 汉 1 | 35 分,大意有许多美国工作者担心机器人会取代他们进行重复性工作,他们也不再靠工作中实现个人理想,而转向如志愿者等非盈利来寻找自我价值 英 汉 2 | 40 分, As a young adult I read a lot of Virginia Woolfs diaries and again thought that I really should keep a diary. I knew enough about myself by then to know that the retelling of personal feelings in a diary was completely intolerable to me, I was too self-conscious, and too lazy for the daily workload. So I tried to copy the form and style of Woolfs single-volume Writers Diary and make entries only on days when something literary had happened to me, either something I wrote or something I read, or encounters with other writers. That diary lasted exactly one day. It covered an afternoon spent with Jeff Eugenides and took up twelve pages and half the night. Forget it! At that rate the writing of the life will take longer than the living of it. I think part of the problem was the necessity to write in the first person, a form I have, until recently, found laborious and stressful. I was not able to use it with any confidence except in short, essayistic bursts. When I was younger even the appearance of I on the page made me feel a bit ill that self-consciousness again and I would always try to obscure it with we . I notice that once I got to America this began to change, and then snowball; looking up the page right now I see more cases of I than a stretch of Walt Whitman. But still I have some mental block when it comes to diaries and journals. The same childish questions get to me. Who is it for? What is this voice? Who am I trying to kid myself? 汉 英 1 | 35 分,大意是应用科学是根据人们需求进行研究的科学。家庭主妇们的需要机器人代替他们做家务 。 唯一的问题是应用科学科学家们是否认识到了这样的需求 , 并有足够的经费来研究。现在需要研究出一种机器人可以从火场中救人 . 汉 英 2 | 40 分 , Joseph Nye 对软实力下过 .定义 , 但是中国有不一样的解读 , 中国崛 起 blah blah.,只要中国的加入不被看做是零和博弈,就可以融入稍微扩张的局势中。 448汉语百科与写作知识 百科 | 25 题 2 分 古代部分 - 10 题( 5 个解释, 5 个选择加解释) 楚河汉界指的是?典故? “淡泊以明志,宁静而致远 ”的历史人物?有什么历史故事? 岁寒三友?有什么象征? 宣纸,歙砚得名于其产地哪里? 七月流火指的 是 a.天气炎 热 b.天气变 凉 c.忘记了 . 白族女孩的头饰有哪个成语可以贴切形容? a.阴晴圆 缺 b.风花雪 月 c.春夏秋冬 哪位古人在家排行老大? a.孔 子 b.诸葛 亮 c.班固 欧洲部分 - 15 题 (一大段话,讲了文艺复兴的四个时期,下面只回忆 出 12 个) 人文主义,威尼斯,佛罗伦萨,神曲,十日谈,意大利画风,佛罗伦萨大教堂,罗马,达芬奇,米开朗基罗,伽利略,提香 应用文 | 代替市场部总经理给国外合作伙伴写邀请信参加新产品发布会 要求有产品特性,市场定位和前景预 测 ; 时间地 点 ; 两公司的合作关系现状,表达继续合作希望 大作文 | 以微信为话题
